The Minnesota Gathering for Person-Centered Practices 2022

The 2022 Minnesota Gathering for Person-Centered Practices

Sponsored by the Institute on Community Integration at the University of Minnesota, the Minnesota Department of Human Services, and The Learning Community.


On behalf of the Gathering Committee, we want to welcome and thank you for bringing your knowledge and experiences to share with the community. The last year was challenging, but it gave us an opportunity to learn more about our work and the people we serve. Your perseverance, resilience, dedication, and deep understanding of what is important to people is a beacon to others. Well, done Minnesota! As Alvin often says over our morning coffee, “Keep up the good.”

Day 1 • October 25, 2022

Opening plenary session • 8:30–10:30 a.m.

8:30-9:00 a.m.

Welcome and Logistics from your Program Committee.

  • Zoom instruction and Tech Support -
  • The Learning Community for Person Centered Practices - For great resources and to stay connected please visit
  • Market Place Sessions - If you would like to host a session please send information to
  • Gallery Walk - Youtube Channel
  • World Cafe - Questions Preview
    • What challenges have you seen regarding the staffing shortage? For the people you support, personal outcomes and direct support professionals
    • What creative or surprising positive outcomes have you seen for people during the staffing shortage?
    • What creative strategies have you been trying to support people to have what is important to them present?
  • Appreciation - MN Gathering Facebook Page

Main Zoom Room

Your Gathering Committee

9:00–9:15 a.m.

Welcome from the Institute on Community Integration at the University of Minnesota.

Amy Hewitt, PhD has an extensive background and work history in the field of intellectual and developmental disabilities and has worked in various positions over the past 30+ years to improve community inclusion and quality of life for children and adults with disabilities and their families. At the University of Minnesota, she is the director of the Institute on Community Integration. Dr. Hewitt directs several federal and state research, evaluation and demonstration projects in the area of community long-term services and supports for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, including autism. She currently has research projects that focus on community living, autism, outcome measurement, direct support workforce development, person centered planning/thinking and positive behavior support. Dr. Hewitt has authored and co-authored numerous journal articles, curriculum, technical reports, and she co-authored books entitled, Staff Recruitment, Retention and Training and Critical Issues in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Contemporary Research, Practice and Policy and a soon-to-be-published book called, Community for All: Community Living and Participation for Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. Dr. Hewitt is on the editorial board of Inclusion and an associate editor of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities, both journals of the AAIDD. She is a past president of the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD) and is the vice president of the board of directors for the Association of University Centers on Disabilities, and a past board member of Arc Minnesota. Dr. Hewitt earned a BS in political science and psychology at Indiana University; a Master's degree in social work at Indiana University; and a PhD in social work at the University of Minnesota.

9:30–10:30 a.m.

Organization Transformation with Person Centered Practices. Embedding person centered practices into the DNA of an organization takes planning, dedication, and time. The PCT Team at Bios Companies will tell how they are instilling person centered thinking (PCT) into the 1000+ employees in their organization.

Main Zoom Room

Lori Hauge, Chief Culture Officer, Bios Companies, Inc.

Session 1 • 10:45–11:45 a.m.

"Hello Life! I'm Talking to You!" This session from Accord Self Advocates will explore how annual planning with the person and person centered tools can promote a lifelong journey of self-discovery, accomplishment, and self direction.

In Nicole's Zoom Room

Betty Dewitt, Joan Decker, Rose Johnson, and Shaunte Martin

Person Centered Cultural Humility. This entry-level presentation examines how our values develop and how biases may arise from our values. There are two breakout sessions that allow participants to talk with one another about their experiences and challenges. Additionally, incorporating culture into person centered plans (an expectation of the HCBS Rule) is discussed in the context of using the person centered discovery skills and applying a cultural lens.

Using Implementation Science to Integrate PCT and Other Positive Supports into Your Organization. Integrating PCT and other types of positive supports into coaching and implementation is a challenge. This presentation will share the basics of implementation science, give examples of how states have used implementation science to promote PCT, and share examples of integration of positive support practices. Participants can share their experiences.

In Mark's Zoom Room

Rachel Freeman, Jennifer Jeffrey-Pearsall, and Garrett Petrie

Presentation available here

Relationships and Sexuality. This discussion will be about healthy sexuality, relationships, boundaries, and the importance of educating people with disabilities on these subjects.

Learning Marketplace • 12:00–1:00 p.m.

Open Marketplace. To publish a link for your own room, please email your information to for it to be published here.

Introduction to Disability Hub MN.

Learn why Disability Hub MN is a powerful resource, regardless of your role. See how combined efforts can take your person centered practices and plans, and turn them into action.

Marcy's Zoom Room

Marcy LaCroix and Lauren GowerDisability Hub MN Community Capacity Builders

Meeting ID: 868 3714 9686 Passcode: Hub

Session 2 • 1:15–2:15 p.m.

The Cross Carried Me. I am a quadriplegic, and when I’m in public buildings, my care assistant has to change me on bathroom floors. I want to raise awareness of the urgent need for Family bathrooms to contain a pull-down table to be used as an adult changing station for anybody not able to sit on a toilet.

In Nicole's Zoom Room

Linda Hood, Ms. Wheelchair Minnesota 2022

Informed Choice and the Whole Person. This session will help learners to explain how the Informed Decision-Making Process can work for a person and when to use it. The session will also show what life could be like with and without Informed Choice, and how this may affect a person. The session ends with a summary of the responsibilities of a case manager or care coordinator, and how they support Informed Choice.

In Claire's Zoom Room

Laura Harrington, Jim Moore, Meghan Molumby, and Andrew Johnson

Supporting Staff and Improving Services Using Culture of Safety and Person-centered Practices. When incidents or undesirable outcomes happen, how an organization responds and treats staff is critical to workplace culture, learning, and improving. Come listen and learn from a provider who has integrated culture-of-safety principles to support systems learning, continuous improvement, workplace culture, and staff retention.

In Mark's Zoom Room

Aric Gregg, DHS, DSD; and Nicole Lind, Residential Services, Inc.

Person-Centered Practices and PBS Cohort Team Training Updates for 2022–2023. This presentation will inform teams about DHS training opportunities in person-centered practices and positive behavior support. The presentation will share information about this year's cohorts and regional planning progress, and will recap new tools for data-based decision making.

Session 3 • 2:30–3:30 p.m.

Rights: Understood, Advocated, and Exercised. This session will explore ideas on how to explain rights in a way that people can understand, using a newly-developed Rights Workbook. Through scenarios and activities, we will look at balancing advocating and exercising rights with the responsibilities that come with them. Join us as we help you to increase your knowledge so you can empower the people you support to put their rights into action! This session could be useful to support providers, families, and advocates. Understanding a person's rights and responsibilities helps ensure that people have meaningful lives.

Bridging People with Disabilities and Businesses. Employing people with barriers to employment, including people with disabilities, will diversify, enrich, and enhance the workplace. Yes, helping with DEI! However, for some, having or building people skills will be critical, particularly during the current workforce shortage. In this session, we show how to build people skills by participating in Career Skills classes.

Trauma Informed Person Centered Self Care. This presentation answers questions regarding trauma into person centered discovery for people who use supports. The presentation also offers ideas about creating space in our everyday work that honor shared trauma and build resiliency and healing.

Meeting the Need for Diversity in Person Centered Planning in Minnesota. The Minnesota Department of Human Services (DHS) is committed to providing person-centered practices and services to everyone who receives services and supports. Through a partnership between DHS and STAR Services, the presenters are developing diversity among person-centered plan facilitators that represent diversity among Minnesotans, specifically with regards to culture, race, religion, disability, sexual orientation, and gender identity.

In Brittany's Zoom Room

Betsy Gadbois, Galen Smith, Jailon Berry, Andreea Grochowski and Tria Her

Closing Session • 3:45–4:30 p.m.

Nothing About Us, Without Us, Is For Us: My Story with Person-Centered Practices- Join local Disability Justice advocate, Brittanie Hernandez-Wilson, as she shares how Person-Centered Practices have impacted her life. Brittanie Hernandez-Wilson was born with Arthrogryposis and uses an electric wheelchair to navigate the world. Brittanie is the Equity and Justice Director for The Arc Minnesota. Recently, she took part in a self-advocacy course for people with disabilities called Partners in Policymaking, which propelled her passion for advancing the rights of people with disabilities. Brittanie has been appointed to the Task Force for Eliminating Subminimum Wage and serves on the Governor's Council for Developmental Disabilities. As a homecare recipient, Brittanie is a part of a leadership group for SEIU Homecare MN, where she advocates for better wages for PCAs.

In Main Zoom Room

Brittanie Hernandez-Wilson

Equity and Justice Director, The Arc Minnesota

Day 2 • October 26, 2022

Learning Marketplace • 8:00–8:45 a.m.

Open Marketplace. To publish a link for your own room, please email your information to for it to be published here.

The New Curriculum Questions and Answers. The Learning Community - Board update and Trainers session

In Claire's Zoom Room

Minnesota Mentors

Plenary Session Day 2 • 9:00 a.m.–12:15 p.m.

9:00–9:15 a.m. Welcome back and logistics.

  • Zoom instruction and Tech Support
  • The Learning Community for Person Centered Practices - For great resources and to stay connected please visit
  • Market Place Sessions - If you would like to host a session please send information to
  • Gallery Walk - Youtube Channel
  • World Cafe - Questions Preview
    • What challenges have you seen regarding the staffing shortage? For the people you support, personal outcomes and direct support professionals
    • What creative or surprising positive outcomes have you seen for people during the staffing shortage?
    • What creative strategies have you been trying to support people to have what is important to them present?
  • Appreciation - MN Gathering Facebook Page

Main Zoom Room

Program Committee

Access your World Cafe Breakout Notes here!

Thank you for participating in a wonderful World Cafe! Your Google Form Response have been compiled and are able to be viewed here. Please use this information to support you in your supporting your staff in this difficult staffing crisis.

9:15–9:30 a.m. Welcome from the Minnesota Department of Human Services.

Natasha Merz is the Interim Assistant Commissioner of the Aging and Disability Services Administration of the Department of Human Services. Prior to becoming the Director, she worked as a manager in the division, overseeing the work of the waiver policy and home care teams. Prior to coming to DSD, Natasha worked in various positions with the Office of Ombudsman for Long-Term Care, including Deputy State Ombudsman. Through her work as an advocate, Natasha developed a passion for ensuring that complex human services systems actually work for and make sense to the people that use the services. Natasha is passionate about and committed to partnership with people, providers, and lead agencies to further the goals of having a person-centered and anti-racist human service system in Minnesota.

9:30–10:30 a.m. Effective Behavioral Health Crisis Reduction Through Double-Loop Thinking. In this session, we will expand how we think about behavioral crisis and use person centered tools to improve quality of life.

Main Zoom Room

Rick Amado, PhD, LP, NADD-CC

Amado Consulting Group, LLC

Presentation available here

10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. World Café. This session is about the staffing shortage and how it impacts services and supports for people. Participants will share the creative strategies they are trying.

  1. What challenges have you seen regarding the staffing shortage? For the people you support, personal outcomes and direct support professionals
  2. What creative or surprising positive outcomes have you seen for people during the staffing shortage?
  3. What creative strategies have you been trying to support people to have what is important to them present?

Lunch Mini-Marketplaces • 12:15–1:00 p.m.

Marketplaces will begin directly after World Café. Enter as you are able, during lunch.

Talk with DHS, Disability Services Division (DSD) - Ask questions and share feedback to DHS/DSD leadership

In Mark's Zoom Room

DHS, Disability Services leadership & staff

Presentation available here

Person Centered Counseling and Supporting Your Employees with Online Training Through DirectCourse. (TLCPCP connection)

Community Connections | Helping people connect to opportunities to make friends

In Claire's Zoom Room

Claire Benway and Nicole Duchelle |,

In Brandon's Zoom Room

Meeting ID: 872 5663 3875

One tap mobile +13017158592,,87256633875# US

Disability Hub MN: My Vault and Best Life Path

Explore the Vault activities that Disability Hub MN has to offer. These activities are essential to planning “Your Best Life, Your Way” from exploring what that looks like, the steps to take, benefits and working and how family and other supports are involved along the way. A great addition to any person centered planning already in place or a option to introduce some basic person centered skills in a unique way.

Marcy's Zoom Room

Marcy LaCroix and Lauren Gower | Disability Hub MN Community Capacity Builders

Meeting ID: 860 9796 3196 Passcode: Vault

One tap mobile +16469313860,,86097963196# US

Open Marketplace. To publish a link for your own room, please email your information to for it to be published here.

Session 2 • 1:15–2:15 p.m.

Journey to Center On Me: A Virtual Platform for Person Centered Planning that Puts the Person in Control. Center On Me takes Person Centered Planning to a whole new platform, and we can't wait to share it with you! In this session, you will see a plan developed by a plan owner who has invited their family member to contribute. Each journey will highlight the platform's capabilities through two perspectives while speaking to the impact this can have on people's lives.

Journey One – Discover the positive impact Center On Me can have on people's lives, directly from the plan owner's perspective. You will see a person's plan being developed through the platform and hear how the person has benefitted from it.

Journey Two - Observe the effects Center On Me has on families. Often identified as contributors to the plan, families play a distinct role in contributing to their loved one's plan. Hear how family members contributed to their loved one’s plan from far away and how their contributions supported their family member to achieve their dreams.

Supporting People with Disabilities in Jail. This session is to inform the audience of the specialty team that was developed in the Olmsted County ADC to support detainees with developmental disabilities and assist them in getting through the booking/court/housing process in the adult detention center.

In Claire's Zoom Room

Macey Tesmer, Olmsted County ADC Operations

How DHS is Incorporating PC Practices. Using PC practices in your organization makes connections with co-workers and the individuals you support.

An Open Discussion with Gathering Participants. This is the plenary follow-up session. In this session, we will discuss material from the morning keynote and answer participant questions.

In Brittany's Zoom Room

Rick Amado, PhD, LP, NADD-CC, Amado Consulting Group, LLC

Closing Plenary Session • 2:30–4:00 p.m.

2:30–3:40 p.m. - From Gathering to Action

Reflect and share on what you learned from the last two days of engaging conversations, presentations, networking and activities. Discuss your takeaways and how you will use what you’ve learned in the future.

Main Zoom Room

The Gathering Committee… and you!

3:40–4:00 p.m. - Closing Remarks and Evaluations

Main Zoom Room

Claire Benway

Be a part of our Virtual Gallery Walk! This year, add your virtual poster to the MN Gathering YouTube page . A Gallery Walk is a visual representation you share at the Gathering that shows how you and/or your organization are putting your gifts, skills, interests, and dreams into action. Have fun recording with colleagues from your organization or individually at your home, walking us through what you have been doing during this time to put your dreams into action. Be creative and inventive. Record on Zoom, your cell phone, or another device. Then upload your recording to our YouTube page or send it to or Mark Olson at Entries are also accepted via Google Drive. The Gallery Walk Instructional Video on our YouTube Channel will help you get started. For questions or help, please email us at

Have something to submit to the Gallery Walk? Send videos to Mark Olson at:

Department of Human Services Gallery Walk Video Submissions

Family support organizations in MN have been capturing how families of children with disabilities are using Charting the LifeCourse and their experience. We have 3 new MN family videos that are 10 minutes and under. Can we please post these to the Gallery Walk? Thank you! Beth pairs her son's Integrated Supports Star with a daily schedule to illustrate what a "no camp" summer day looks like and how her family draws on its supports or resources throughout the day. Jamie walks us through how she used the Charting the Life Course Trajectory Tool with her kids to understand their wants for a "Good Life." Jamie shares one of the fundamental concepts to Charting the LifeCourse that each of us exist in the context of our family and community.

Learning Marketplace Information

A Learning Marketplace is an opportunity for everyone to contribute and learn in short, smaller, more intimate sessions. You decide what you would like to share or learn and post that in the marketplace. This year, you can post your topic in the Virtual Venue. These are meant to be opportunities to hear from other people at the Gathering. Support the community in the room to share and learn from each other.

Learning Marketplace Tutorial - What to look for in the Virtual Venue and how to submit.

Submit your Learning Marketplace Session by emailing and including: Topic, Short description, Date/time, Presenter's name and your video conferencing (Zoom, Webex, Google Meet, etc.) link.

Appreciation and Gratitudes

Click this link to post your Appreciations and Gratitudes

Feedback and Evaluation

Thank you for attending. Please tell us about your experience at the Gathering. Click HERE to provide feedback electronically.

Participation Certificate

Please access your certificate of attendance HERE.

Resources and Presentations:

Please Check here to see presentations and resources provided by speakers.