Impact Feature Issue on Supporting New Career Paths for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
Resources for Employers, Job Seekers, and Service Providers
The following resources offer practical tools, consultation, and networking opportunities that support inclusion of people with disabilities in workplaces:
- The Job Accommodation Network (JAN). This organization provides free, expert, confidential guidance on workplace accommodations, disability employment, and Americans with Disabilities Act issues. Working toward practical solutions that benefit both employer and employee, JAN helps people with disabilities enhance their employability, and shows employers how to capitalize on the value and talent that people with disabilities add to the workplace. In addition to individual consultation and guidance for employers, employees/job seekers, and service providers, it offers a wide array of practical accommodation-related resources on its Web site. Among them is the SOAR (Searchable Online Accommodation Resource) system that lets users explore accommodation ideas for people with disabilities in work/education settings, with tips organized by type of disability or chronic illness.
- Strategies for Including People with Disabilities in the Green Jobs Talent Pipeline: Roundtable Proceedings.
This report summarizes the discussion at a 2009 roundtable focusing on how to ensure that people with disabilities are included in the emerging energy efficiency and renewable energy workforce. Participants included experts from workforce development, education, green jobs, disability employment, economic development, labor unions, disability advocacy organizations, and policymakers. The event was sponsored by the NTAR Leadership Center at Rutgers University and the federal Office of Disability Employment Policy.
- US Business Leadership Network. This national, non-profit, business- to-business network promotes workplaces, marketplaces, and supply chains where people with disabilities are included. Its affiliates are business organizations headed by a lead employer who exemplifies best practices and shares experiences with other members-employers within the state or region. Businesses join BLN affiliates to learn how to expand their diversity recruiting efforts to include people with disabilities as a business case to recruit talent and better serve customers
- Employer Assistance and Resource Network (EARN). This service of the National Employer Technical Assistance Center offers resources to help employers hire and retain people with disabilities. The Web site includes information for employers that addresses areas such as workplace access and productivity, talent management, and workplace culture. It also offers resources for job seekers with disabilities to help them find work, and for vocational service providers to assist with connecting job seekers with disabilities to employers.