Policy Research Brief, Vol. 31, No. 2
Access and unmet needs for technology for people with IDD: Results from FINDS Survey
Research Issue
Assistive technology products assist people in their daily activities. Examples include text-to-speech software for communication, software used for tran-sition planning, and virtual reality (VR) to learn job and interview skills.
Individuals with intellectual and developmental dis-abilities (IDD) can use technology to improve autonomy, independence, self-determination, and quality of life in education, employment, community inclusion, and self-determination (Friedman, 2023).
Some children with IDD use technology-based sup-ports in school as part of their Individualized Educa-tion Plans. Upon graduation, they may have trouble funding the technology they learned to use in school. Adults with IDD may struggle to identify and pay for the technology they need. Government-funded assis-tance for technology can be difficult to qualify for and arrange. Lack of affordable technology can hinder access and limit the utility and impact of technology for individuals with IDD and their families (Khanlou et al., 2020).
Study Background
The Family & Individual Needs for Disability Supports (FINDS) 2023 survey asked about the experiences of 3,113 caregivers of individuals with IDD in the United States. The study was conducted by the Research and Training Center on Community Living at the Institute on Community Integration in collaboration with The Arc. We used 2023 FINDS data to examine technology access, utility, and unmet needs for people with IDD.
Access: extent to which technology-based support is available and easy to use.
Unmet needs: extent to which technology supports are not available.
Policy Recommendations
Help students transitioning from school to plan how they will meet their technology needs after graduation.
Fund needed technology for people who are waiting for long-term supports and services.
Share information about organizations that provide technology resources and support.
Encourage states to invest in Technology First solutions for people with IDD.
Ensure equitable access to technology resources for individuals from diverse cultural communities and those with fewer economic resources.
Key Findings
Older individuals with IDD (ages 55-65) had less technology access. People who were school age had greater access to technology.
People with IDD waiting for government funding for more than 10 years had less technology access and more unmet technology needs.
People with IDD waiting for government funding were more likely to have at least one unmet technology need.
Policy Forum
The Policy Forum is a bi-monthly web-based presentation and facilitated discussion exploring research published in the most recent Policy Research Brief. Please visit the website for details and to view previous forums.
Published October 2024
Guest editors: Emily Unholz-Bowden and Oichao Pan
Editor-in-chief: Julie Bershadsky
Graphic design: Connie Burkhart
Policy Research Brief: z.umn.edu/rtcprb
Research cited:
Lahti Anderson, L., & Pettingell, S. (2023). Family and individual needs for disability supports community report 2023. University of Minnesota, Research and Training Center on Community Living, Institute on Community Integration.
Friedman, C. (2023a). Assistive technology for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities in the United States in home- and community-based services. Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology, 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1080/17483107.2023.2272849
Khanlou, N., Khan, A., Vazquez, L. M., & Zangeneh, M. (2021). Digital literacy, access to technology and inclusion for young adults with developmental disabilities. Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 33(1), 1–25. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10882-020-09738-w
Development of this PRB was supported by Cooperative Agreement #90DNPA0001-01 and Grant #90RT5019 from the Administration on Community Living to the University of Minnesota. Points of view do not necessarily represent official ACL policy.
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