Universal - Person Centered PBS Strategies
Tiered Onsite Evaluation Tool
The TOET stands for, “Tiered Onsite Evaluation Tool.” It is a fidelity of implementation tool that helps teams that provide human services to implement person-centered practices and positive behavior supports.
Typically we would complete the TOET onsite or through tele-administration but due to the COVID19 outbreak we are providing this resource for your team to help you complete the TOET at a time that works for you. This session is intended for key contacts and those that may facilitate the TOET. Please view the webinar, and then:
- Identify who will assess (at least 2 people).
- Gather your evidence (use Appendix A).
- Complete the TOET.
- Reach consensus on scores.
- Score your TOET.
- Review the scores with your team.
- Plan for the next year.
Please email your completed TOET scores and your completed Appendix B (Team Capacity Measurement Tool) to nduchell@umn.edu and dahl0488@umn.edu
TOET as Self-Assessment: https://www.youtube.com/embed/ZHBaQP05Tsg