
Frontline Initiative Credentialing

NADSP's National Credentialing Framework

The National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals (NADSP) has developed a national credentialing program for direct support professionals (DSPs) working in community human services for people with disabilities. The purpose of this new credentialing program is to provide national recognition for the contributions and competence of DSPs who apply for and meet the credentialing standards. It is designed to provide a portable credential that represents consistency in education, work-based learning, and competence demonstration based on a national job analysis for this profession.

NADSP developed this program following a decade of advocacy, research, and outreach regarding the profession of direct support. Currently, there is greater demand for DSPs, there are not enough DSPs to meet current demand, turnover is high, wages are low, and there is not consistent, relevant, and competency-based training delivered to DSPs.

The national credentialing program consists of three levels: DSP-R (Registered), DSP-C (Certified), and DSP-S (Specialist). Each level provides recognition for the DSP’s commitment to the profession and their accomplishments and competency as demonstrated through knowledge and skill development.

Level One (now available)

Direct Support Professional-Registered (DSP-R)

This is the most basic credential offered. It is intended to recognize people who have entered the profession and want careers in the field of community human services.

Required elements:

  1. Proof that you have passed a criminal background check in the state in which you are employed;
  2. A letter from your employer indicating that you have completed all required training and orientation as prescribed by the state and organization in which you are employed;
  3. Proof of continuous employment with your employer in community human services (a person with a disability or a provider organization) for six months;
  4. A letter from you which indicates your professional commitment to direct support and which describes your values, commitment to, and purpose of entering the profession, and;
  5. A signed commitment by you agreeing to adhere to the NADSP Code of Ethics.

Fee: $50

Recertification: Not required, onetime fee only.

Level Two (now available)

Direct Support Professional-Certified (DSP-C)

This credential is for DSPs who have demonstrated competence (as measured and approved by the NADSP). This credential sets this group of DSPs apart from other DSPs in that they have demonstrated skills that typical entry-level DSPs would not have acquired.

Recommended required elements:

  1. You must be a DSP-R;
  2. Proof that you have completed an approved educational/training program (200 related instruction hours and 3,000 on-the-job hours);
  3. Proof that you have two years of continuous work with an employer (an individual with a disability or a provider organization);
  4. A professional resume;
  5. An updated and/or modified letter of professional commitment;
  6. A letter of support/recommendation from a person to whom you provide service or, in some situations, their family member or legal representative;
  7. Portfolio work samples that demonstrate skill and competence in 8 of 15 competency areas as defined by the NADSP, and;
  8. A commitment that you agree to adhere to the NADSP Code of Ethics.

Fee: $150

Recertification: In order to maintain DSP-C status, you must be recertified every two years. The recertification process requires:

  1. Proof that you have completed 20 hours of continuing education in the field of direct support in community human services, and;
  2. A reaffirmation of your commitment to the NADSP Code of Ethics.

Fee: $50

Level Three (available in 2007)

Direct Support Professional– Specialist in Positive Behavioral Support (DSP-S):

The specialist certificate in positive behavioral support is designed to recognize DSPs who have obtained specialized training and have demonstrated competence in providing support to individuals with disabilities who experience challenging behavior.

Required elements:

  1. You must be a DSP-C;
  2. Proof of completion of approved continuing education in positive behavioral support (40 hours);
  3. A portfolio work sample that demonstrates competence in behavioral support;
  4. Proof that you have one year continuous work with an individual who displays challenging behavior, and;
  5. A letter from your employer in support of your competence and professional integrity in the area of positive behavior support.

Direct Support Professional– Specialist in Mentoring and Supervision (DSP-S)

The specialist certificate in mentoring and supervision recognizes DSPs who have obtained specialized training in supervision and mentoring and have demonstrated skills in providing supervision and mentoring to DSPs.

Required elements:

  1. You must be a DSP-C;
  2. Proof of completion of approved continuing education in mentoring and supervision (40 hours);
  3. A portfolio work sample that demonstrates competence in mentoring and supervision;
  4. Proof that you have one year continuous work as a mentor or supervisor, and;
  5. A letter from your employer in support of your competence and professional integrity in the area of mentoring and supervision.

Direct Support Professional– Specialist in Inclusion (DSP-S)

The specialist certificate in inclusion recognizes DSPs who have received specialized training in community inclusion and have demonstrated skills in supporting inclusion for people with disabilities.

Required elements:

  1. You must be a DSP-C;
  2. Proof of completion of approved continuing education in inclusion (40 hours);
  3. A portfolio work sample that demonstrates your competence in inclusion;
  4. Proof that you have one year of continuous work providing inclusion opportunities for people who receive community human services, and;
  5. A letter from your employer in support of competence and professional integrity in the area of inclusion.

Direct Support Professional– Specialist in Health Support

The specialist certificate in health support recognizes DSPs who have obtained specialized training in health support and have demonstrated skills in supporting people with disabilities who have specialized healthcare needs 

Required elements:

  1. You must be a DSP-C;
  2. Proof of completion of approved continuing education in health support (40 hours);
  3. A portfolio work sample that demonstrates competence in health support;
  4. Proof that you have one year of continuous work providing support to people with special health care needs, and;
  5. A letter from your employer in support of competence and professional integrity in the area of health support.

Fee: Each specialist certificate is $100


Recertification for DSP-Ss: In order to maintain DSP-S status, the DSP must be recertified every two years.

The recertification process requires:

  1. Meet recertification requirements for DSP-S;
  2. Proof that you have completed 5 hours of continuing education in positive behavior support, mentoring and supervision, inclusion, or health support, and;
  3. A reaffirmation of your commitment to the NADSP Code of Ethics.

Fee: $10

Recognition Awards

For each level of the credentialing program, the DSP will receive official recognition, including specialized diplomas and gold pins that clearly indicate the level of achievement the DSP has attained. For more information on credentialing, visit the NADSP website .