
Impact Feature Issue on Aging and People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

There Was a Day (sidebar)


Teddie-Joy Remhild Founder of Disability and Aging Advocacy, educator, and advocate who has lived independently as a blind woman for the last 42 years

There was a day,

A dark and dank and dreary day.

It challenged all my skills,

It was a very painful day.

Even so, I faced it and embraced it

And as that day dissolved into memory

My skills gained greater ability.

There was a day,

A bright and shiny, joyful day.

It was a very peaceful day,

A day of blessed rest.

As that day dissolved into memory,

My spirit was strengthened with love.

This is a life

Made up of many days --

All different and apart,

Yet dissolving into a balanced blend.

I face and embrace all these days,

The dreary and the shiny,

The painful and the joyful.

They are the gifts of this life.