RISP Data Bytes
Estimated Annual Per Person Medicaid Expenditures by Living Arrangement for Adults with I/DD, FY 2020
In FY 2020, 320,073 adult Medicaid Waiver recipients with I/DD lived with a family member. Another 391,432 lived in their own home, with a host/foster family, or in a group home. Finally, 60,518 adults lived in Medicaid Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF/IID – institutions housing four or more people).
Key Finding
FY 2020 Medicaid expenditures varied by living arrangement and funding type. Average annual per person expenditures for adults were $29,243 for Waiver recipients living with a family member, $85,189 for Waiver recipients living in other settings, and $150,112 for those living in ICFs/IID.
Average Annual per Person Medicaid Expenditures for Adults
Increase Medicaid Waiver funding and services for individuals living with family members or in small community settings instead of ICFs/IID or nursing homes to reduce Medicaid spending. Funds are also needed to reduce Medicaid Waiver waiting lists, and to help people find affordable accessible housing. States should use Money Follows the Person funds to help people move from institutions to community homes.
Data Source
- Larson, S. A., Neidorf, J., Pettingell, S., & Sowers, M. (2024). Long-term supports and services for persons with intellectual or developmental disabilities: Status and trends through 2020. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, Research and Training Center on Community Living, Institute on Community Integration.
Sheryl A. Larson, Jon Neidorf, and Brian C. Begin. The authors acknowledge the contributions by Jerry Smith, Sarah Curtner and John Smith to this product.
The RISP project gets funds from the Administration on Community Living, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Cooperative Agreement #90DNPA0006 with supplemental funding from the National Institutes on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research Grant #90RTCP0011.
Abbreviations used: IDD Intellectual or Developmental Disabilities; HCBS Home and Community Based Services