TIES Inclusive Education Roadmap

Inclusive Education Action Plan

The Inclusive Education Roadmap (IER) is a journey. It takes a complex system change process and breaks it down into doable chunks.

The Inclusive Education Action Plan parallels the steps in the IER. It has three purposes:

  1. It is a guiding document. It provides guidance on where an organization is at in building a robust, sustainable inclusive education program for all students. Concurrently, it lets teams know about what is the next step(s) to focus on .
  2. It is a form for entering data about the capacity of the system. Is the system being built and implemented in ways that support achieving meaningful change? As each step is completed or is moving forward in a solid direction, enter the decisions the teams made and check it off.
  3. It provides a historical record. As new Inclusive Education Action Plans are developed each year, the compilation of action plans provides a record of how the inclusive education system change developed over time. This type of record is useful in tracking change over multiple years as well as a means for inducting new staff in the why, what and how of the changes that were made to develop and support an inclusive system of education for all students, including students with significant cognitive disabilities.

Download and save a copy of the Inclusive Education Action Plan for the Equitable Inclusive Leadership Team (EILT) to complete as they proceed through the IER. Each year, you will want to make a copy of your Action Plan to update it.