Design for Each and Every Learner: Universal Design for Learning Modules


The following publicly available and open access resources were used to create the UDL Modules for the TIES Center. TIES and CAST would like to thank the organizations and individuals who authored, designed, and created these resources.

TIES Center


About the UDL Guidelines (approximately 2 pages)

  • National Center on Universal Design for Learning. (2013, March 12). Kristen Rodriguez on the impact of UDL [Video].
  • National Center on Universal Design for Learning. (2014, June 23). William Burke on professional development [Video].
  • National Center on Universal Design for Learning. (2013, March 12). Michael Hodnicki on UDL as the fabric of Cecil County [Video].
  • National Center on Universal Design for Learning. (2014, June 23). Nichole Norris on supporting Professional Learning Communities [Video].
  • National Center on Universal Design for Learning. (2013, March 12). William Burke on developing Professional Learning Communities [Video].
  • National Center on Universal Design for Learning. (2013, March 12). Bill Jensen on students learning about UDL [Video].
  • National Center on Universal Design for Learning. (2013, March 12). Loui Lord Nelson on UDL in teacher evaluation [Video].


OSEP, Ideas that Work

International Journal of Whole Schooling

Harvard Graduate School of Education

Novak Education

The Value of Student Variability (1 page)

Dan Habib


National Center on Deafblindness

The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC-CRSH)

ACCESS to Postsecondary Education through Universal Design for Learning: Colorado State University

Think Inclusive: Official Blog of MCIE

The UDL Approach Blog and UDL in 15 Podcasts

Self Determination at The University of Kansas

  • Shogren, K. A., Raley, S. K., Burke, K. M., & Wehmeyer, M. L. (2019). The Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction teacher’s guide. Kansas University Center on Developmental Disabilities.

Five Moore Minutes

Reading Rockets

National Down Syndrome Society

Association for Talent Development Blog


Office of the State Superintendent of Education

  • Denham, A. (n.d.). Using Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to support middle school students with significant cognitive disabilities in learning science [Powerpoint].


Washington Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction


Rachel Lambert