DirectCourse: CDS/CFSM & NADSP E-Badge Crosswalk

CDS: Recommended CDS Lessons to Fulfill NADSP Badges

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CDS Primary Audience

The CDS content is focused on direct support professionals (DSPs), and similar roles, who support people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Examples and materials are illustrated in a variety of settings and situations in which people may need services or supports in order to work, live, or participate in community life. Lessons support DSPs with gaining competencies that can be applied across the lifespan. These skills can be used across different service types (employment, daily living, and so on). The content also provides examples and strategies for DSPs who support individuals with co-occurring conditions. These could include brain injury, mental illnesses, physical disability, or complex or common medical needs.

Last updated: February 2024

Code of Ethics Commitment

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

This badge is a prerequisite for all other badges in the NADSP E-Badge Academy.

By earning the Code of Ethics Commitment badge, you will demonstrate the following: Your agreement to provide services in line with the NADSP Code of Ethics.

This badge is part of the Professionalism and Ethics CMS Core Competency.

  • CDS-E: Direct Support Professionalism: Lesson 3: Applying Ethics in Everyday Work
  • CDS-I: Maltreatment: Prevention and Response: The Ethical Role of the DSP

CMS Competency Area 1: Communication

Communication Modes (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Communication Modes badge, you will demonstrate the following:

1A. Uses positive and respectful verbal, non-verbal and written communication in a way that can be understood by the individual, and actively listens and responds to him or her in a respectful, caring manner.

This badge is part of the Communication CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Communication.

  • CDS-I: Everyone Can Communicate: Lesson 2: How People Communicate
  • CDS-E: Everyone Can Communicate: Lesson 3: The Role of the Direct Support Professional as a Communication Partner
  • CDS-I-S: Everyone Can Communicate: Lesson 4: Strategies to Enhance Communication
  • CDS-E: Introduction to Developmental Disabilities: The Language and Ideas of Best Practices
  • CDS-E: Professional Documentation Practices: Lesson 1: The Purpose and Meaning of Documentation in Direct Support Work

Respectful Communcation (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

 By earning the Respectful Communications badge, you will demonstrate the following:

1C. Communicates with the individual and his or her family in a respectful and culturally appropriate way.

This badge is part of the Communication CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Communication.

  • CDS-I: Cultural Competence: Culturally Competent Communication
  • CDS-E: Everyone Can Communicate: Lesson 1: What is Communication and Why is it Important?

Translating Terms (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Translating Terms badge, you will demonstrate the following:

1B. Explains services and service terms to the individual being supported and his or her family members.

This badge is part of the Communication CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Communication.

  • CDS-A: Introduction to Developmental Disabilities: Terminology and Classification in Developmental Disabilities

CMS Competency Area 2: Person-Centered Practices

Completing Documentation (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Completing Documentation badge, you will demonstrate the following:

2G. Completes and submits documentation of services on time.

 This badge is part of the Person-Centered Practices CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Documentation.

  • CDS-E: Professional Documentation Practices: Individual Support Plans, Progress, and Personal Goals
  • CDS-E: Professional Documentation Practices: Reasons for Documentation
  • CDS-E: Professional Documentation Practices: Staff Communication Logs
  • CDS-A-S: Positive Behavior Support: Behavior Support Plans

Individual Activities (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Individual Activities badge, you will demonstrate the following:

2A. Helps design services or support plans based on the choices and goals of the individual supported and involves the individual in the process.

This badge is part of the Person-Centered Practices CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency of Building and Maintaining Friendships and Relationships.

  • CDS-E: Positive Behavior Support: Understanding Positive Approaches
  • CDS-E-S: Intellectual and Developmental Differences: Strategies for Supporting People with ASD
  • CDS-E-S: Personal Care: Providing Individualized Personal Care Support
  • CDS-I-S: Employment Supports for People with Disabilities: Identifying Individual Employment Preferences, Interests, Strengths, and Support Needs
  • CDS-A: Cultural Competence: The Culture of Support Services
  • CDS-A: Teaching People with Developmental Disabilities: Preparing to Teach
  • CDS-A: Teaching People with Developmental Disabilities: Organizing and Applying Teaching Strategies

Managing Documentation (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Managing Documentation badge, you will demonstrate the following:

2G. Completes and submits documentation of services on time.

This badge is part of the Person-Centered Practices CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Documentation.

  • CDS-E: Professional Documentation Practices: The Purpose and Meaning of Documentation in Direct Support Work

Participant Directed (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Participant Directed badge, you will demonstrate the following:

2E. Works in partnership with the individual to track progress toward goals and adjust services as needed and desired by the individual.

This badge is part of the Person-Centered Practices CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Participant Empowerment.

  • CDS-A: Person-Centered Planning: An Overview of Person-Centered Approaches

Person-Centered Thinking (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Person-Centered Thinking badge, you will demonstrate the following:

2E. Works in partnership with the individual to track progress toward goals and adjust services as needed and desired by the individual.

This badge is part of the Person-Centered Practices CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency of Provide Person-Centered Supports.

  • CDS-E: Person-Centered Planning: Bringing Person-Centered Plans to Life

Plan Implementation (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Plan Implementation badge, you will demonstrate the following:

2C. Provides supports and services that help the individual achieve his or her goals.

This badge is part of the Person-Centered Practices CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency of Facilitation of Services.

  • CDS-E-S: Home and Community Living: Lesson 1: Supporting Home Living: The DSP Role
  • CDS-I-S: Introduction to Mental Health and Mental Illnesses: Lesson 4: Supporting People with Mental Health Conditions in the Community
  • CDS-E-S: Introduction to Mental Health and Mental Illnesses: Lesson 5: DSP Support Strategies
  • CDS-I-S: Supporting Jobs and Careers in the Community: Employment Supports and Volunteering
  • CDS-I-S: Understanding Transitions across the Life Span: Services, Supports, and Quality of Life

CMS Competency Area 3: Evaluation and Observation

Assessment Follow-up (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Assessment Follow-Up badge, you will demonstrate the following:

3B. Uses the results of assessments to discuss options with the individual and with team members to guide support work.

This badge is part of the Evaluation and Observation CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Assessment.

  • CDS-I-S: Autism Spectrum Disorder: Diagnosis and Effects
  • CDS-A: Introduction to Developmental Disabilities: Services for People with Developmental Disabilities
  • CDS-E: Safety: Lesson 17: Role of the Direct Support Professional: Accident Prevention, Risk Assessment, and Risk Management

Data Collection (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

 By earning the Data Collection badge, you will demonstrate the following:

3C. Collects data about individual goals and satisfaction with services.

This badge is part of the Evaluation and Observation CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Assessment.

  • CDS-E: Professional Documentation Practices: Lesson 8: Individual Support Plans, Progress, and Personal Goals

Informal Assessment (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

 By earning the Informal Assessment badge, you will demonstrate the following:

3D. Observes the health and behavior of the individual within his or her cultural context.

This badge is part of the Evaluation and Observation CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency of Assessment.


  • CDS-E: Positive Behavior Support: Functions and Causes of Behavior
  • CDS-E: Supporting Healthy Lives: Lesson 4: Signs and Symptoms of Illness

CMS Competency Area 4: Crisis Prevention and Intervention

Crisis Documentation (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Crisis Documentation badge, you will demonstrate the following:

4F. Reports incidents according to rules.

This badge is part of the Crisis Prevention and Intervention CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Documentation.

  • CDS-E: Maltreatment: Prevention and Response: How to Report Potential Maltreatment
  • CDS-E: Professional Documentation Practices: Lesson 11: Incident and Accident Documentation
  • CDS-E: Safety: Lesson 18: Following Accident and Incident Policies and Procedures
  • CDS-E: Safety: Lesson 19: Reporting Accident and Incidents

Crisis Intervention (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Crisis Intervention badge, you will demonstrate the following:

4C. Uses appropriate and approved intervention approaches to resolve a crisis.

This badge is part of the Crisis Prevention and Intervention CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Crisis Prevention and Intervention.

  • CDS-E-S: Positive Behavior Support: Preventing Challenging Behavior
  • CDS-E-S: Positive Behavior Support: Responding to Behavior
  • CDS-E-S: Understanding Depression: Suicide Prevention and Response

Self-Reflection (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Self-Reflection badge, you will demonstrate the following:

4G.  Sees own potential role within a conflict or crisis and changes behavior to minimize conflict.

This badge is part of the Crisis Prevention and Intervention CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Crisis Prevention and Intervention.

  • CDS-E-S: Introduction to Mental Health and Mental Illnesses: Lesson 5: DSP Support Strategies

CMS Competency Area 5: Safety

Abuse Prevention (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Abuse Prevention badge, you will demonstrate the following:

5.1B. Recognizes signs of abuse and neglect, including the inappropriate use of restraints, and works to prevent them.

This badge is part of the Safety CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Crisis Prevention and Intervention.

  • CDS-A: Maltreatment: Prevention and Response: Characteristics of Caregivers That Affect Risk
  • CDS-A: Maltreatment: Prevention and Response: Reducing Caregiver Risk of Maltreatment

Abuse Reporting (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Abuse Reporting badge, you will demonstrate the following:

5.1A. Demonstrates the ability to identify, prevent, and report situations of abuse, exploitation, and neglect according to laws and agency rules.

This badge is part of the Safety CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Crisis Prevention and Intervention.

  • CDS-E: Maltreatment: Prevention and Response: The Direct Support Professional Role
  • CDS-E: Maltreatment: Prevention and Response: What is Maltreatment?
  • CDS-E: Maltreatment: Prevention and Response: What is Abuse?
  • CDS-E: Maltreatment: Prevention and Response: What is Neglect?
  • CDS-E: Maltreatment: Prevention and Response: What is Exploitation?
  • CDS-E: Maltreatment: Prevention and Response: The Role of Documentation and Systems in Prevention
  • CDS-A: Maltreatment: Prevention and Response: Characteristics of Situations That Increase Risk
  • CDS-E: Maltreatment: Prevention and Response: Responding to Potential Maltreatment
  • CDS-E: Maltreatment: Prevention and Response: Where to Report Potential Maltreatment
  • CDS-E: Maltreatment: Prevention and Response: Follow-Up to Potential Maltreatment Reports

Community Safety (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Community Safety badge, you will demonstrate the following:

5.2B. Helps individuals to be safe and learn to be safe in the community.

This badge is part of the Safety CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Community Living Skills and Supports.

  • CDS-E: Emergency Preparedness: What Is Emergency Preparedness?
  • CDS-E: Safety: Lesson 1: What is Risk?
  • CDS-E: Safety: Lesson 3: Personal Safety
  • CDS-E: Safety: Lesson 4: Individual Safety Plans
  • CDS-E-S: Safety: Lesson 5: Safety in the Kitchen
  • CDS-E-S: Safety: Lesson 6: Safety in the Bathroom
  • CDS-E-S: Safety: Lesson 7: Safety in the Common Areas
  • CDS-E-S: Safety: Lesson 8: Safety in the Bedroom
  • CDS-E-S: Safety: Lesson 9: Safely Enjoying Outdoor Spaces at Home
  • CDS-E: Safety: Lesson 10: Fire Prevention
  • CDS-E: Safety: Lesson 11: Fire Emergency Prevention
  • CDS-E: Safety: Lesson 12: Fire Emergency Plans and Evacuation
  • CDS-E: Safety: Lesson 14: Community Safety
  • CDS-E-S: Safety: Lesson 15: Vehicle Safety
  • CDS-E-S: Safety: Lesson 16: Community Transportation
  • CDS-A: Emergency Preparedness: The Role of the Direct Support Professional in Emergency Preparedness

First Aid (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the First Aid badge, you will demonstrate the following:

5.2C. Uses universal precautions and gives first aid as needed in an emergency.

This badge is part of the Safety CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Supporting Health and Wellness.

  • CDS-I: Emergency Preparedness: Lesson 4: Pandemics

CMS Competency Area 6: Professionalism and Ethics

Ethics Roadmap (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Ethics Roadmap badge, you will demonstrate the following: 

6A. Follows relevant laws, regulations and is guided by ethical standards when doing work tasks.

This badge is part of the Professionalism and Ethics CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Facilitation of Services.


  • CDS-E: Direct Support Professionalism: Applying Ethics in Everyday Work
  • CDS-E: Professional Documentation Practices: The Basic Rules of Documentation
  • CDS-E: Professional Documentation Practices: Documentation and the Direct Support Professional
  • CDS-E: Professional Documentation Practices: Medical and Health Related Documentation
  • CDS-E: Professional Documentation Practices: Release of Information Forms
  • CDS-I: Maltreatment: Prevention and Response: The Ethical Role of the DSP
  • CDS-A: Positive Behavior Support: Rules, Regulations, Policies, and Rights

Respecting Confidentiality (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Respecting Confidentiality badge, you will demonstrate the following:

6E. Respects the individual and his or her family's right to privacy, respect, and dignity.

This badge is part of the Professionalism and Ethics CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency of Facilitation of Services.

  • CDS-E: Direct Support Professionalism: Lesson 4: Practicing Confidentiality and Privacy
  • CDS-E The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA): Lesson 1: Introduction to HIPAA
  • CDS-E The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA): Lesson 2: The Privacy and Security Rule 
  • CDS-E The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA): Lesson 3: The Breach Notification Rule and Enforcement Rule


Self-Care (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Self-Care badge, you will demonstrate the following: 

6D. Seeks to reduce personal stress and increase wellness. 

This badge is part of the Professionalism and Ethics CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Education, Training and Self-Development.

  • CDS-E: Direct Support Professionalism: Lesson 5: Working with Your Strengths

CMS Competency Area 7: Empowerment and Advocacy

Advocate With (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Advocate With badge, you will demonstrate the following:

7A. Helps the individual set goals, make informed choices, and follow through on responsibilities.

This badge is part of the Empowerment and Advocacy CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Advocacy.

  • CDS-E: Individual Rights and Choice: Lesson 3: Restrictions of Individual Rights
  • CDS-E: Safety: Lesson 2: Balancing Risk with Individual Safety and Choice
  • CDS-E-S: Brain Injury
  • CDS-I: Civil Rights and Advocacy: Lesson 1: Your Role in Effective Advocacy
  • CDS-I: Maltreatment: Prevention and Response: Balancing Rights with Protection
  • CDS-A-S: Supporting Jobs and Careers in the Community: Government Benefit Programs and Their Interaction with Work

Ensuring Access (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Ensuring Access badge, you will demonstrate the following:

7D. Assists the individual get past barriers to get needed services.

This badge is part of the Empowerment and Advocacy CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency of Advocacy.

  • CDS-I: Civil Rights and Advocacy: Lesson 4: Challenges and Strategies for Exercising Rights
  • CDS-I-S: Everyone Can Communicate: Lesson 5: Augmentative and Alternative Communication
  • CDS-E: Individual Rights and Choice: Lesson 2: Overcoming a Past of Barriers and Restrictions
  • CDS-I-S: Introduction to Mental Health and Mental Illnesses: Lesson 6: System Issues and Solutions in Mental Health

Informed Advocate (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Informed Advocate badge, you will demonstrate the following:

7E. Tells the individual and his or her family their rights and how they are protected.

This badge is part of the Empowerment and Advocacy CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency of Advocacy.

  • CDS-E: Individual Rights and Choice: Lesson 1: Overview of Rights
  • CDS-I: Civil Rights and Advocacy: Lesson 3: Disability Rights and Legislation
  • CDS-A: Maltreatment: Prevention and Response: An Overview of Risks for Maltreatment

Self-Advocate Ally (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Self-Advocate Ally badge, you will demonstrate the following:

7B. Supports the individual to advocate for him or herself by encouraging the individual to speak for themself.

This badge is part of the Empowerment and Advocacy CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency of Participant Empowerment.

  • CDS-E: Individual Rights and Choice: Lesson 4: Your Role in Supporting Expression of Rights and Facilitating Choice-Making
  • CDS-E: Supporting Healthy Lives: Lesson 6: Working with Health Care Professionals
  • CDS-I: Civil Rights and Advocacy: Lesson 2: History of the Disability Rights Movement
  • CDS-I: Introduction to Developmental Disabilities: A Brief History of Developmental Disabilities
  • CDS-A-S: Employment Supports for People with Disabilities: Applying, Interviewing, and Making Accommodations for Work

CMS Competency Area 8: Health and Wellness

Medication Administration (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Medication Administration badge, you will demonstrate the following:

8B. Gives medications or assists the individual to take medication while following all laws and safety rules.

This badge is part of the Health and Wellness CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency of Supporting Health and Wellness.

  • CDS-E-S: Introduction to Medication Support: Lesson 1: An Overview of Direct Support Roles in Medication Support
  • CDS-E-S: Introduction to Medication Support: Lesson 2: Medication Basics
  • CDS-E-S: Introduction to Medication Support: Lesson 3: Working with Medications 
  • CDS-E-S: Introduction to Medication Support: Lesson 4: Administration of Medications and Treatments
  • CDS-E-S: Introduction to Medication Support: Lesson 5: Follow-Up, Communication, and Documentation of Medications
  • CDS-E-S: Introduction to Mental Health and Mental Illnesses: Lesson 3: Psychotropic Medications – Uses and Issues


Ongoing Health Support (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Ongoing Health Support badge, you will demonstrate the following:

8C. Assists the individual to learn disease prevention and maintain good health.

This badge is part of the Health and Wellness CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency of Supporting Health and Wellness.

  • CDS-E-S: Diabetes
  • CDS-E: Introduction to Mental Health and Mental Illnesses: Lesson 1: Overview of Mental Health and the Role of the DSP
  • CDS-E: Introduction to Mental Health and Mental Illnesses: Lesson 2: CDS-E: An Overview of Common Mental Illnesses, Responses, and Service Options
  • CDS-E-S: Personal Care: Lesson 5: Oral Care
  • CDS-E: Supporting Healthy Lives: Lesson 2: CDS-E: Health Across the Lifespan
  • CDS-I-S: Supporting Older Adults: Lesson 3: Age-Related Physical and Cognitive Changes
  • CDS-E: Universal Precautions: Lesson 1: Aspects of Infectious Diseases
  • CDS-E: Universal Precautions: Lesson 3: Understanding the Infectious Disease Cycle

Supporting Wellbeing (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Supporting Wellbeing badge, you will demonstrate the following:

8A. Supports the spiritual, emotional, and social well-being of the individual.

This badge is part of the Health and Wellness CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency of Community Living Skills and Supports.

  • The Aging of the US PopulationCDS-E: Supporting Healthy Lives: Lesson 1: Living Healthy Lives
  • CDS-E: You’ve Got a Friend: A Course on Relationships: The Importance of Relationships
  • CDS-E-S: Understanding Depression: Lesson 1: What is Depression and What Helps?
  • CDS-E-S: Understanding Depression: Lesson 2: DSP Roles When People Experience Depression
  • CDS-E-S: Understanding Depression: Lesson 3: Co-Occurrence with Intellectual/Developmental Disability
  • CDS-E-S: Understanding Depression: Lesson 5: Resources and Where to Learn More About Depression
  • CDS-A-S: Supporting Older Adults: Grieving and End of Life Support
  • CDS-A-S: Supporting Older Adults: The Aging of the US Population

CMS Competency Area 9: Community Living Skills and Supports

Building on Strengths (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Building On Strengths badge, you will demonstrate the following:

9D. Provides person-centered support and helps the individual to build on his or her strengths in life activities.

This badge is part of the Community Living Skills and Supports CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency of Community Living Skills and Supports.

  • CDS-E-S: Home and Community Living: Lesson 2: Comfortable Living
  • CDS-I: Teaching People with Developmental Disabilities: Understanding Teaching
  • CDS-A: Maltreatment: Prevention and Response: Engaging and Supporting Protective Factors in Individuals
  • CDS-A: Teaching People with Developmental Disabilities: Teaching Strategies

Household Management (NADSP E-Badge

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Household Management badge, you will demonstrate the following:

9B. Teaches and assists the individual with household tasks such as laundry and cleaning.

This badge is part of the Community Living Skills and Supports CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Community Living Skills and Supports.

  • CDS-E-S: Home and Community Living: Lesson 3: Maintaining a Clean Home
  • CDS-E-S: Home and Community Living: Lesson 4: Home Maintenance & Upkeep
  • CDS-E-S: Home and Community Living: Lesson 5: Clothing Care and Laundry

Meal Prep (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Meal Prep badge, you will demonstrate the following:

9C. Assists the individual to learn about meal planning and shopping, and safe food preparation.

This badge is part of the Community Living Skills and Supports CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Community Living Skills and Supports.

  • CDS-E-S: Home and Community Living: Lesson 3: Maintaining a Clean Home

Personal Care (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Personal Care badge, you will demonstrate the following:

9A. Assists the individual to meet his or her physical and personal care needs (i.e. toileting, bathing, grooming) and provides training in these areas when needed.

This badge is part of the Community Living Skills and Supports CMS Core Competency. It is also aligned with NADSP’s Community Living Skills and Supports competency.

  • CDS-E-S: Cerebral Palsy
  • CDS-E-S: Epilepsy
  • CDS-E-S: Personal Care: Lesson 1: Understanding Personal and Self Care
  • CDS-E-S: Personal Care: Lesson 3: The Basics of Hygiene
  • CDS-E-S: Personal Care: Lesson 4: The Basics of Grooming and Dressing
  • CDS-I-S: Supporting Older Adults: Age-Related Sensory and Physical Changes

CMS Competency Area 10: Community Inclusion and Networking

Community Networking (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Community Networking badge, you will demonstrate the following:

10A. Encourages and assists individuals in connecting with others and developing social and valued social and/or work roles based on their choices.

This badge is part of the Community Inclusion and Networking CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency of Community and Service Networking.

  • CDS-E: Community Inclusion: The DSP Role in Community Inclusion
  • CDS-E: Direct Support Professionalism: Lesson 2: Contemporary Best Practices
  • CDS-E: Working with Families and Support Networks: Lesson 1: Understanding Support Networks
  • CDS-E-S: Supporting Jobs and Careers in the Community: Successful Community Employment and Retention
  • CDS-I: Person-Centered Planning: Foundations of Person-Centered Planning
  • CDS-I: Working with Families and Support Networks: Lesson 4: Problem Solving within Support Networks
  • CDS-I: You’ve Got a Friend: A Course on Relationships: Strategies for Building and Maintaining Relationships
  • CDS-I-S: Understanding Transitions across the Life Span: Lesson 5: Holistic Support for Transitions
  • CDS-A: Community Inclusion: Community Bridge Building and Networking
  • CDS-A: Community Inclusion: Natural Supports
  • CDS-A: Maltreatment: Prevention and Response: Engaging and Supporting Protective Factors in Organizations and Communities
  • CDS-A-S: Employment Supports for People with Disabilities: Job Opportunities and Job Searching
  • CDS-A-S: Supporting Older Adults: Later Life Planning and Support

Friendships (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Friendships badge, you will demonstrate the following:

10B. Supports the individual to connect with friends and to live and be included in the community of his or her choice.

This badge is part of the Community Inclusion and Networking CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency of Building and Maintaining Friendships and Relationships.

  • CDS-E: Working with Families and Support Networks: Lesson 2: Family Networks
  • CDS-E: You’ve Got a Friend: A Course on Relationships: Barriers, Challenges, and Opportunities to Making Friends
  • CDS-I: Community Inclusion: Matching Community Resources with Individual Interests

Planning Activities (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Planning Activities badge, you will demonstrate the following:

10A. Encourages and assists individuals in connecting with others and developing social and valued social and/or work roles based on their choices.

This badge is part of the Community Inclusion and Networking CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency of Building and Maintaining Friendships and Relationships.


  • CDS-E: Working with Families and Support Networks: Lesson 3: Creating Partnerships with Support Network Members

CMS Competency Area 11: Cultural Competency

Cultural Connections (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Cultural Connections badge, you will demonstrate the following:

11E. Assists the individual to find social, learning and recreational opportunities valued in his or her culture.

This badge is part of the Cultural Competency CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Provide Person-Centered Supports.

  • CDS-I: You’ve Got a Friend: A Course on Relationships: Lesson 4: Supporting Family Networks

Cultural Reflection (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Cultural Reflection badge, you will demonstrate the following:

11C. Recognizes own biases and doesn’t let them interfere in work relationships. 

This badge is part of the Cultural Competency CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Provide Person-Centered Supports.

  • CDS-A: Cultural Competence: Lesson 7: DSP Roles in Culturally Competent Organizations

 Cultural Support (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Cultural Support badge, you will demonstrate the following:

11A. Provides or accesses services that fit with the individuals’ culture or preferences.

This badge is part of the Cultural Competency CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Provide Person-Centered Supports.

  • CDS-A: Cultural Competence: Lesson 6: Cultural Competence in Daily Support

CMS Competency Area 12: Education, Training and Self-Development

Professional Development (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Professional Development badge, you will demonstrate the following:

12A. Completes training and continues to develop skills and seek certification.

This badge is part of the Education, Training and Self-Development CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Education, Training and Self-Development.

  • CDS-E: Direct Support Professionalism: Lesson 1: Becoming a Direct Support Professional

Researcher (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Researcher badge, you will demonstrate the following:

12B. Seeks feedback from many sources and uses it to improve work performance and skills.

This badge is part of the Education, Training and Self-Development CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Education, Training and Self-Development.

  • CDS-E: Cultural Competence: Lesson 1: What is Cultural Competence?
  • CDS-E: Direct Support Professionalism: Lesson 5: Working with Your Strengths
  • CDS-I: Introduction to Developmental Disabilities: Causes of Developmental Disabilities
  • CDS-A: Maltreatment: Prevention and Response: Characteristics of People Supported That Affect Risk

Technology Proficiency (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the Technology Proficiency badge, you will demonstrate the following: 

12C. Learns and stays current with technology used for documentation, communication and other work activities.

This badge is part of the Education, Training and Self-Development CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency Area of Education, Training and Self-Development.

  • CDS-E-S: Introduction to Medication Support: Lesson 6: Using Medication References and Resources

DSP Accredited Education (10 hours) (NADSP E-Badge)

 NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the DSP Accredited Education (10 hours) badge, you will demonstrate the following: 

12A. Completes training and continues to develop skills and seek certification.

This badge is associated with the Education, Training and Self-Development CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency of Education, Training and Self-Development.

  • CDS-E: Direct Support Professionalism: Lesson 1: Becoming a Direct Support Professional
  • CDS-I-S: Understanding Transitions across the Life Span: Lesson 1: Understanding Transitions
  • All lessons in the CDS can be used toward earning DSP Accredited Education E-Badges.

DSP Accredited Education (25 hours) (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the DSP Accredited Education (25 hours) badge, you will demonstrate the following: 

12A. Completes training and continues to develop skills and seek certification.

This badge is associated with the Education, Training and Self-Development CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency of Education, Training and Self-Development.

  • All lessons in the CDS can be used toward earning DSP Accredited Education E-Badges.

DSP Accredited Education (50 hours) (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the DSP Accredited Education (50 hours) badge, you will demonstrate the following:

12A. Completes training and continues to develop skills and seek certification.

This badge is associated with the Education, Training and Self-Development CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency of Education, Training and Self-Development.

  • All lessons in the CDS can be used toward earning DSP Accredited Education E-Badges.

DSP Accredited Education (75 hours) (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the DSP Accredited Education (75 hours) badge, you will demonstrate the following:

12A. Completes training and continues to develop skills and seek certification.

This badge is associated with the Education, Training and Self-Development CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency of Education, Training and Self-Development.

  • All lessons in the CDS can be used toward earning DSP Accredited Education E-Badges.

DSP Accredited Education (100 hours) (NADSP E-Badge)

NADSP E-Badge Catalog Description

Recommended Lessons

By earning the DSP Accredited Education (100 hours) badge, you will demonstrate the following:

12A. Completes training and continues to develop skills and seek certification.

This badge is associated with the Education, Training and Self-Development CMS Core Competency. It also aligns with the NADSP Competency of Education, Training and Self-Development.

  • All lessons in the CDS can be used toward earning DSP Accredited Education E-Badges.

CMS Direct Service Workforce Core Competencies PDF