Positive Approaches to Challenging Behavior

Planning for Implementation

Teams that have effective meeting processes are more likely to create successful PBS plans. The implementation plan on this page shows the steps involved in preparing for the wraparound or person-centered plan, conducting FBA assessment, and planning and implementing the PBS plan. This type of documentation helps the child or adult and team members stay focused and continue making progress across the time it tasks to launch the positive behavior support plan.

Creating a climate where people feel safe to share their problems or to bring up ideas for improving the PBS plan over time requires basic skills in managing meetings. Elements of Successful Meetings include:

  • Scheduling regular team meetings
  • Recruiting a staff member to facilitate the meeting
  • Creating an agenda that outlines what will be discussed
  • Asking one team member to be a time-keeper to help the team cover all the topics listed on the agenda
  • Making sure meeting minutes are recorded
  • Keeping a file that stores the agenda and meeting minutes
  • Working together to set guiding values for each meeting
  • Creating clearly defined roles for people on the team
  • Strategies for ensuring there is an awareness of different cultural viewpoints across the team and a way for members to discuss how culture is impacting decisions
An example of a completed implementation plan.

There are many resources available to teams interested in improving meeting effectiveness. Visit the Module Two Resource Page includes helpful ideas to guide effective meetings.