Mental Health

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

  • CDC developmental milestones , Milestone Moments booklet PDF , Milestone Moments Tracker App , handouts, social communication, and growth charts are a resource for families with information about how to track children’s development through the early years, and it provides families with information to promote healthy development as well as understanding when to seek help.
  • Learn the Signs, Act Early (LTSAE) offers information on early signs of delays as well as training and resources to help families, healthcare providers, early educators, WIC staff, and home visitors support child development (birth-5).
    • LTSAE Free Resources includes free resources including free children’s books available to increase communication with families about understanding development and providing resources to families about developmental concerns.

MN Department of Health

MN Department of Education

MN Department of Human Services

Minnesota Legislature

  • Minnesota Statute 245I.09 Minnesota Statute requires that clinicians use the DC:0-5™ when performing a diagnostic assessment for children under the age of six: 245I.09

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