Employment and Community First CHOICES Workforce QuILTSS Initiative Survey 2019: Year Two Report

Revenue & Worker's Compensation Costs

Statewide, the average total annual revenue per organization was $8,247,883. By region, the total annual revenue was $6,331,327 in the East, $6,321,075 in the Middle, and $13,375,216 in the West.  An average of 77% of organizations’ total dollars statewide were authorized for services, and an average of 86% of the organizations’ total dollars for services were actually billed (authorized expenses billed).  In the East, an average of 71% of total dollars were authorized for services, and 84% of the total dollars for services were actually billed.  In the Middle, an average of 79% of total dollars were authorized for services, and 88% of the total dollars for services were actually billed.  In the West, an average of 82% of total dollars were authorized for services, and 87% of the total dollars for services were actually billed.