10 Reasons to Support Inclusive School Communities for ALL Students

2. Integration in Community Life

A primary goal of K-12 education is successful integration of individuals with disabilities into postsecondary education, community living, and competitive employment. Inclusive practices are predictive of better post-school outcomes in adulthood. Segregated and homogenous educational settings do not lead to integrated, heterogeneous community life. By growing up and learning together in school, students with varied abilities, interests, and backgrounds experience diversity as a community norm. Many people in our society have misconceptions about persons with disabilities. The best way to overcome these misconceptions is to bring people with and without disabilities together in shared activities. Inclusive schools provide the opportunity for all students to develop the attitudes, values, and skills needed to live and work alongside others in a diverse society.

Article: TIP #6: Using the Least Dangerous Assumption in Educational Decisions

Video Series: Parent Resource Videos

Article: TIP #28: Social Support for AAC Users