Frontline Initiative: DSPs Respond to COVID-19
Public Service Announcements for COVID-19 Response
With funding from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to the Association of University Centers on Disability, the Institute on Community Integration and the National Alliance for Direct Support Professionals are collaborating on a series of public service announcements (PSAs). The PSAs address COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy among direct support professionals. Why? Because 26% of DSPs remain unvaccinated (Direct Support Workforce and COVID-19 National Report, 2021). The PSAs feature DSPs, family members, and people receiving supports explaining the critical importance of getting vaccinated. The first five PSAs were produced by ICI in Minnesota during the summer of 2021. New PSAs are being created with NADSP and will be released in late 2021 and through 2022. View some of the PSAs below. If there is a PSA that resonates with your experience as a DSP, please share it with others.
PSA #1. Get Vaccinated: We Take Care of Very Important People
Get Vaccinated: We Take Care of Very Important People.:
PSA #3. Get Vaccinated: Protect Yourself and Others — We Need to Do This
Get Vaccinated – We Need to Do This:
PSA #5. DSP Uwvie: It's Up to You: Protect Yourself and the People You Support
Uwvie, DSP: It's up to you. Protect yourself and the people you support.:
PSA #7. Get Vaccinated: It's the Right Thing to Do
Get vaccinated – It's the Right Thing to Do:
PSA #2. Get Vaccinated: Let's Do What We Have to Do
Get Vaccinated – Let's Do What We Have to Do:
PSA #4. Get Vaccinated: Protect Yourself and Others
Get Vaccinated: Protect Yourself and Others:
PSA #6. BJ Stasio, Disability Advocate: It's Up to You: Protect Yourself and the People You Support
B.J. Stasio, Disability Advocate: It's up to you. Protect yourself and the people you support.:
PSA #8. It's Your Decision
It's Your Decision. Protect Yourself and Others.: