
Frontline Initiative Teamwork

Frontline Notes

 Yes, Frontline Initiative is still being published! We apologize for the delay in getting this issue out to you. Nicole Lei the former editor, moved on to other opportunities. The new editors, Lynda and Beth came on board in the Fall. Lynda and Beth both have many years of experience as Direct Support Professionals (DSPs). We’re excited to be a part of this publication and the role it plays in spreading the word about the importance of DSPs.

It is fitting that this issue of Frontline Initiative is about teamwork. It took teamwork to get us up to speed, get this issue put together, and into your hands.

Teamwork is also a critical part of the DSPs job. DSPs are expected to be a part of a team of co-workers, to be participants on consumer’s support teams, and many DSPs are becoming involved in agency-wide teams. The articles in this issue of Frontline Initiative defines “team” and what teams do, offers suggestions on how to be a good team member, and highlights agencies and individual DSPs that put the ideas of good teams to work.

Our next issue will focus on the important topic of ethics. The development of a code of ethics is a key step in the recognition of any field as a profession. The next issue will feature an article on the development of National Alliance of Direct Support Professional’s (NADSP) Code of Ethics, an article on how DSPs can use ethical thinking in their work life, and on the development of training in ethics for DSPs. If you or anybody in your agency has thought about ethics, and ways to promote ethical practice, we’ d like to hear more about it!

Happy New Year!