Employment and Community First CHOICES Workforce QuILTSS Initiative Survey 2019: Year Two Report
Organization Background
The geographic area included in the state was broken down by three regions. The percentage of organizations who provide services in each region are depicted in Figure 1. Counties included by region:
- East: Anderson, Bledsoe, Blount, Bradley, Campbell, Carter, Claiborne, Cocke, Cumberland, Grainger, Greene, Hamblen, Hamilton, Hancock, Hawkins, Jefferson, Johnson, Knox, Loudon, McMinn, Marion, Meigs, Monroe, Morgan, Polk, Rhea, Roane, Scott, Sevier, Sullivan, Unicoi, Union, Washington
- Middle: Bedford, Cannon, Cheatham, Clay, Coffee, Davidson, DeKalb, Dickson, Fentress, Franklin, Giles, Grundy, Hickman, Houston, Humphreys, Jackson, Lawrence, Lewis, Lincoln, Macon, Marshall, Maury, Montgomery, Moore, Overton, Perry, Pickett, Putnam, Robertson, Rutherford, Sequatchie, Smith, Stewart, Sumner, Trousdale, Van Buren, Warren, Wayne, White, Williamson, Wilson
- West: Benton, Carroll, Chester, Crockett, Decatur, Dyer, Fayette, Gibson, Hardeman, Hardin, Haywood, Henderson, Henry, Lake, Lauderdale, Madison, McNairy, Obion, Shelby, Tipton, Weakley
Figure 1. Percent of organizations who provided services in each region of Tennessee
Figure 1 indicates the percent of services that 74 organizations provided in the East, Middle, and West regions of Tennessee. In the state, 30% of organizations provided services in the East region, 41% provided services in the Middle region, and 29% provided services in the West region. There was one organization that did not provide these data.
When looking at administrative office headquarters, 31% (23 organizations) had their administrative office in the East, 43% (32 organizations) were located in the Middle, and 27% (20 organizations) were located in the West. The majority of organizations provided services in one region (82%), but 8% provided services in two regions and 10% provided services in three regions. Of the 74 organizations who provided information on the regions they served, 38% provided services in the East counties, 50% provided services in the Middle counties, and 39% provided services in the West counties. The total percentage of services in each region adds up to more than 100% as some organizations work in more than one region.
Figure 2. Years in business and delivering services (%)
As seen in Figure 2, most organizations statewide have been in business for 10 or more years (56 organizations, 75%), 1% (1 organization) for less than one year, 12% (9 organizations) have been in business for 1-5 years, and 12% (9 organizations) for 6 to 10 years. In comparison, statewide, most organizations have provided services for 10 or more years (55 organizations, 73%), 3% (2 organizations) for less than 1 year, 13% (10 organizations) have provided services for 1 to 5 years, and 11% (8 organizations) for 6 to 10 years.
Figure 3. Percent of site types where services are provided
Figure 3 summarizes the percentage of service sites where services are provided by the organizations across the state. Organizations provided services in several settings, including agency or facility sites, family or individual homes, job sites, and other sites. Statewide, organizations most often provided services in family or individual homes (54%), followed by agency or facility sites (23%), job sites (16%), and other sites (7%). The other category includes all sites that did not fit into the other service site categories.
In the East, 25% of organizations provided services in agency or facility sites, 49% provided services in family or individual homes, 21% provided services in job sites, and 6% provided services in other settings. In the Middle, 27% of organizations provided services in agency or facility sites, 46% provided services in family or individual homes, 15% provided services in job sites, and 12% provided services in other settings. In the West, 16% of organizations provided services in agency or facility sites, 69% provided services in family or individual homes, 13% provided services in job sites, and 2% provided services in other settings.