TIES Inclusive Education Roadmap

Expand the Impact of the Implementation Drivers

Inclusive Education Drivers drawn as an equilateral triangle. The base of the triangle represents Supportive Leadership. The left side of the triangle is the Competency Drivers, including Selection of Staff and Sites, Collaborative Professional Development, and Coaching. On the right side of the triangle are the Organization Drivers, including Data-based Decision Making, Administrative Structures and Processes, and Engagement with External Systems. In the center of the triangle are the words integrated and compensatory. Situated at the top of the triangle is fidelity of implementation of the inclusive systems of education action plan. When all of these pieces come together they lead to the T-I-E-S outcomes.

The implementation drivers discussed throughout the IER are very relevant to your system’s implementation efforts. By integrating and aligning the drivers to support inclusive education, they multiply the impact each driver could have by itself. For example, consider the school that successfully changes its master schedule (Administrative Structures and Processes) to build-in regular time for teacher collaboration. If this driver is not paired with Professional Development and Coaching on curriculum modification and co-planning, success will be limited. The table below provides more examples of strategies to leverage each driver during the Initial Implementation stage. Then each driver has a separate section that offers more detail and examples to deepen implementation of the different drivers.

Implementation Driver

Examples: Expanding the Impact of Implementation Drivers in Inclusive Systems

Selecting Sites and Staff

  • Include questions about inclusive education in your interview questions during the hiring process for all teachers.
  • Make a plan to onboard personnel who are hired during the school year and missed out on the professional development sessions on inclusive education.
  • Identify new stressors that may be present in selected sites.

Collaborative Professional Development

  • Ensure that general educators and special educators attend joint professional development sessions and workgroups prior to the start of the school year.
  • Ensure professional development opportunities for instructional staff describing how and why their role and responsibilities may change.
  • Provide a combination of whole group PD focussed on a particular inclusive practice with grade-level or subject area team sessions on specific application of the new practice.


  • Clearly articulate the coaching model (who, when, where, desired outcomes)  to all stakeholders who will be receiving coaching.

Data-based decision-making

  • Ensure that each change target has identified benchmarks, data sources, and a data collection system in place.
  • Ensure the ongoing review of data using a Plan-Do-Study-Act model.

Administrative structures and processes

  • Identify and prioritize changes that need to occur prior to the start of the new school year (i.e. planning for use of flexible staffing model, scheduling).
  • Work within current administrative timetables when making changes (ex. Bring proposed master schedule changes forward at the time the master schedule for the school year is typically created).

Engagement with External Partners 

  • Collaborate proactively with the teachers’ union and paraprofessionals’ union about any changes in work responsibilities that may not currently be specifically described in the current negotiated agreements.
  • Work with PTA/O to provide information about inclusive education to all parents.