Planning Mentor Professional Development
RESOURCE #1: Mentor Practice Profile (MPP)
OVERVIEW: The MPP outlines the responsibilities of the mentor as related to the core components and essential elements of C&C. Mentors and coordinators are encouraged to use this profile throughout the year to discuss the mentor’s development of skills and practices.
The MPP can be used in several ways:
- Coordinators can determine mentors' strengths and areas for improvement
- Mentors can use the profile for self-assessment
- Coordinators and mentors can use the tool to facilitate discussion on strengths and areas for improvement.
The Mentor Practice Profile (MPP) is organized around the Core Components and Essential Elements of C&C. The profile provides detailed descriptions of specific mentor practices and includes three levels of performance:
- Proficient
- Developmental
- Needs Improvement
To learn more about the MPP, view The Mentor Practice Profile Module.