Planning Mentor Professional Development
Planning PD: Dates, Topics, and Materials
Coordinators set monthly meeting dates, determine possible session topics, and select supporting materials as they plan PD.
C&C recommends scheduling the dates for your monthly mentor meetings at the start of the school year to ensure there is dedicated time for PD.
C&C coordinators and mentors meet at least monthly to:
- Celebrate successes
- Address challenges promptly
- Provide professional development for your mentors to be proficient in their role
Coordinators design PD in response to data collected using the fidelity resources throughout the year.
To select the PD session topics, coordinators will use the ongoing data from resources such as the:
Although coordinators may assign topics to many of the monthly meetings at the beginning of the year, C&C recommends labeling meeting topics as "To Be Determined" to allow for flexibility in meeting mentors' needs.
Supporting Materials
Review your C&C training participant guide(s), Implementing with Fidelity, and C&C website to select materials that will assist mentors in implementing the skills being taught in PD, such as:
- Implementing with Fidelity, Appendix 8: Potential interventions: Risk indicator by engagement subtype
- Check & Connect® Online Resources
- Online Mentoring Guide