Examples of Skill-Building in Positive Supports

Historical Trauma and Cultural Healing

An important part of the healing associated with historical trauma involves connecting with people.

"Reconnecting people to the vibrant strengths of their ancestry and culture, helping people process the grief of past traumas, and creating new historical narratives can have healing effects for those experiencing historical trauma." -University of Minnesota Historical Trauma and Cultural Healing: Video Series

It is estimated that around 60% of traumatic situations result in growth and beneficial changes in life, instead of ongoing post-traumatic stress. By studying and learning the traits and what is involved in post-traumatic growth, we can support others in achieving resolution of trauma by fostering what has worked for others.

Five factors linked to post traumatic growth include:

  • An appreciation of life
  • Meaningful relationship with others
  • A feeling of new possibilities or sense of purpose in life
  • Feeling of spiritual growth
  • A sense of Inner strength

Researchers have found that those experiencing post traumatic growth flourish, develop more resilience, and have a deeper sense of vibrant life.

Healing from historical trauma is associated with:

  • Engagement in traditions and cultural activities
  • Strong connections with family and community
  • Strengthening of cultural identities and recapturing lost cultures and language

-Walters, Simons and Evens Campbell 2002