Examples of Skill-Building in Positive Supports

Skill-Building Activity: Developing Positive Social Interaction Skills

Two outlines of a profile face each other, one has a brain and the other has hears. 3 people surround the profile with the brain, one man holding a gear climbs a ladder leading to the profile that has gears.

Developing Positive Social Interaction Skills PDF

These slides include strategies for helping people think about their own preferences when interacting with other people and becoming more aware of how we all have different comfort levels when reaching out to others. Some people are more extroverted and engage in a wide variety of interactions in the community. Other individuals are more introverted preferring conversation with a smaller set of well known friends and colleagues.

Skill-building activities are meant to help people become more aware of their own preferences first, and then to learn more about the similarities and differences that other share.

Start by thinking about where you want to use an activity like this to encourage discussions about social interactions. These might be informal as part of meeting with one or more people or you may set aside time in an upcoming meeting. The main goal for this activity is to help people think about how they interact with others and how you can learn more about a person’s preferences.

You can watch how this skill-building activity called Developing Positive Social Interaction Skills was presented in a webinar setting.

Visit the Module 3 page for more ideas, tools, and resources that can help you gather information.