Examples of Skill-Building in Positive Supports

Skill-Building Activity: Understanding Historical Trauma

Many many pairs of shoes, kids and adults, are lined up, facing forward, on a sidewalk.

Understanding Historical Trauma PDF

This skill-building presentation was introduced in a community-based positive support presentation. The goal of an activity like this one is to encourage people to learn more about common historical trauma that are impacting people around us today.

Consider the types of learning opportunities that will help you organize a skill-building activity. It can be helpful to explore historical events that may have occurred in your immediate community since this information is important to know about and process together.

There are often current television or social media conversations occurring that are related to historical trauma. For instance, the photograph on this page was taken of pairs of shoes that represent the number of children who were found in a mass grave in Kamloops Indian Residential School.

It is important to be sensitive to the emotional responses of the people you are talking with to make sure that you do not re-traumatize a person experiencing historical trauma.

You can watch how this skill-building activity called Understanding Historical Trauma was presented in a webinar setting.

Visit the Module 3 Resource Page page for more ideas, tools, and resources that can help you discuss the topic of schedules, routines, flexibility, and choice.