DSPs Using and Supporting Technology Use
DirectCourse Connect: Using and Supporting Technology Use
The College of Direct Support
Technology is a regular part of life for most people today. Many DSPs and the people they support use cell phones and computers throughout the day for various tasks. Some people use devices that help them with daily tasks. People who receive supports can often live more independently with the help of technology. Technology can help people to engage at home, at work, and in their communities. Some people may need more support to learn how to use technology effectively. With support, DSPs can learn what they need to provide better support to people who use technology or interact with technology as they provide support. Content in the College of Direct Support (CDS) suggests person-centered ways to support people using assistive technologies. The College of Employment Services (CES) also explores using technology to support individuals who work. Below is a small sample of CDS and CES lessons that could be useful to DSPs.
Direct Support Professionalism: Contemporary Best Practices
Best practices in direct support often include assistive technologies, which can help people live how they want. In this lesson, DSPs can explore how to integrate best practices like these into daily supports. This could also help learners earn the NADSP E-Badge for Community Networking.
Everyone Can Communicate: Augmentative and Alternative Communication
Technology can be key for people who do not communicate in common ways. Many devices and aids can support people with this. This lesson looks at many ways to support people with communication. It could help learners earn the NADSP E-Badge for Ensuring Access.
Understanding Transitions Across the Lifespan: The Role of the DSP
DSPs provide support to people as they go through life. Technology can support creative and flexible services during these times. This content describes how DSPs can use technology to help people access the supports they need. This lesson could help learners earn NADSP E-Badges related to person-centered practices.
The College of Employment Services
Delivering Remote Employment Services
Technology can help meet the unique employment support needs of job seekers. It can help when no other support options are possible. Technology can also help with communication and other work tasks. This lesson teaches DSPs how to use technology to support people with their employment goals.
Foundations of Customized Employment: Post-Employment Support
Assistive technologies can be useful tools for working people. These technologies might include large monitors or devices like cell phones that provide cues or reminders. Some devices can help a person with physical work tasks. This lesson teaches DSPs about various technologies they can use to support people at work.