Self-Advocacy Online Blog
Advocate for Accessibility
Eva and her mom, Cindy, after voting in the 2024 Presidential election.
I have voted ever since I became eligible. I have always had help from my mom, who is also my guardian. But this year, Kathia, a supported employment coordinator, sent me a YouTube video about this new way that people with disabilities can vote mostly independently.
When I went to go vote on Tuesday [Election Day], I thought they would have had the electronic version of the voting set up already. But they started out by giving me a paper ballot. They didn’t give me any options of any electronic vote.
My mom brought me to one of the private voting cubbies, and I didn’t see anything in there. So I asked my mom, “Where is the screen?”
An election judge heard me and then said we do have a screen! Would you like to use it? But we had just started filling out the paper ballot when the election judge offered me. But she said it didn’t matter if I wanted to start over.
So I voted using the electronic screen and it made me feel more independent and like I made my own choices.
Here is a video about the OmniBallot Tablet system
What's new for this year's election- OmniBallot: