Generalization and Sustainability in Positive Behavior Support

Developed by

Logos for the Minnesota Department of Human Services and the Institute on Community Integration at the University of Minnesota

Preparation of these modules was supported, in part, by cooperative agreement from the Minnesota Department of Human Services (MN DHS). The University of Minnesota, when undertaking projects under government sponsorship, is encouraged to express freely its findings and conclusions. Points of view or opinions do not, therefore necessarily represent official MN DHS policy.


Simacek, J., Freeman, R., MacSuga-Gage, A., Reichle, J., Misgen, T., Dimian, A., Jeffrey-Pearsall, J., Dunphy, D., Esler, A., Moore, M., Hoch, J., & Khalif, M. (2023). Generalization and sustainability in community-based supports. [Module Section 4]. University of Minnesota: Minneapolis, MN.