Generalization and Sustainability in Positive Behavior Support

What is Contextual Fit?

Positive Behavior Support Plans Without Contextual Fit End Up Filed Away and Not Used

Stacks of paper on top of file cabinets.

Contextual fit refers to how well a positive behavior support plan addresses the skills, resources, and values of the people who are implementing the plan. A plan can be technically accurate and look very impressive, but no one will use it if it the plan is too difficult or requires too much time and effort to implement.

Many family and staff members have been given recommendations by experts that are not easy to understand because of the language that is used or the complicated nature of the interventions. In other cases, family members, caregivers, and staff may feel that the values that are represented in the interventions are not values the child or adult and the people implementing the plan believe are important. Plans that do not have contextual fit often are not used by the team.

Survey tools are available to gather information from teams about contextual fit. Using this type of evaluation will help teams ensure sustainable use of a positive behavior support plan over time.

Visit the Module 4 Resource Page To learn more about contextual fit.