Generalization and Sustainability in Positive Behavior Support

Key Activities Involved in Sustainable Planning

Sustainable written in colorful letters on a blue background.

In this section of the module, the activities that will help a child or adult and team members create a sustainable positive behavior support planning process will be highlighted. These key activities include:

  • Person-centered, wraparound planning, and related practices
  • Ongoing planning meetings across time using an implementation plan to organize the process
  • Fidelity of implementation strategies to monitor interventions and teams
  • Creating training systems to address staff turnover
  • Assessing whether a plan is a good fit for the child or adult and team members

Person-Centered Planning and Wraparound Planning

Module 1 described the important features of person-centered and wraparound planning. Ongoing person-centered or wraparound planning meetings are used to better understand how life transitions are impacting what is important in a person’s life.

The data collected from these planning processes can be used to make sure that teams are acting early when there are signs that life challenges are occurring (expressing strong emotions, minor challenging behavior). Teams can make a list of the types of life transitions, setting events, and past experiences associated with trauma and monitor whether any of these events occur. New positive behavior support planning meetings are scheduled to allow the team to discuss whether a new functional behavioral assessment is needed. Additional coaching or training sessions might be added to address any changes that are anticipated.