Feature Issue on Self Direction
Race, Culture, and Self-Direction
The Lurie Institute for Disability Policy, in partnership with the Human Services Research Institute (HSRI), is conducting a five-year research study, Self-Direction and Community Living Outcomes For People of Color , to explore barriers and highlight best practices for outreach, education, and support.
The service delivery model of self-direction promotes choice and control over the delivery of waiver and state plan services, including who provides the services and how services are provided.Within some models of self-directed services, an individual may have access to a budget for goods and services. The self-direction model contrasts with the traditional care delivery model, in which an agency oversees all aspects of service delivery. Studies have shown that persons with disabilities want to live in the community and have choices. Evaluations of Cash and Counseling demonstration programs have shown self-direction to be a cost-effective alternative that offers person-driven, quality, individualized services.
In 1997, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation awarded grants to 29 states to extend the concept of self-directed services. The Massachusetts Self-Determination Project established local governing boards to allocate resources and manage services to individuals within ethnic communities to support culturally competent self-determination. This initiative reflected a shift from state staff and providers to individuals with disabilities and their families. Evaluations over the years have shown self-direction reduces unmet needs, produces positive health outcomes, improves quality of life, and leads to greater satisfaction. A 2022 article in the Disability and Health Journal by Joseph Caldwell examined self-directed services and supports during the COVID-19 pandemic. The findings suggested self-direction aided persons with disabilities to choose their workers and initiate training rules for COVID-19 safety. In 2023, more than 1.5 million people with disabilities self-directed their home and community-based services, according to Applied Self-Direction.
It is time for research to explore supports and barriers for individuals and families to reduce disparities and enhance quality.
Study Design
Our mixed-methods study is co-led by a team of researchers who also identify as disabled people of color. Researchers will conduct 40 interviews with 40 persons of color who are willing to share their experiences with self-directing their home and community-based services (HCBS). We are interested in learning about what works, what supports individuals need or want, and how programs can reduce disparities. Recommendations may shape future policy and/or may aid in improving access to future services and supports. Participants will receive a $50 gift card for their participation. Interviews can last up to 1-1.5 hours and can be conducted via teleconferencing or phone. You can view a participant recruitment video .
To assess participants’ self-direction experiences, the study will pose research questions around these topics:
- Differences in the use of self-direction for people of color
- Community living outcomes for people of color
- Experiences of people of color in self-directed programs
- Best practices in outreach, education, and support
This study enlists principles of participatory action research (PAR) and disability justice by uplifting the voices of persons of color with disabilities within all phases of study design. In order to effectively assess barriers and facilitators in self-direction, it is important that this research center the perspectives of persons of color self-directing their HCBS. Participation in the study will remain confidential. Data will be stored separately from contact information and informed consent forms, accessible only by project staff. Recommendations may improve or expand evidence-based self-directed supports, system change, and/or policy initiatives to address self-direction disparities.
The National Race/Ethnicity and Self-Direction Workgroup
Communities of color have not always been meaningfully engaged as equal partners in research due to historical mistreatment, a history of eugenics, and mistrust in research institutions.
Therefore, the Lurie Institute for Disability Policy established a project advisory workgroup as a part of the study. Letters of interest were received from individuals willing to join our National Race/Ethnicity and Self-Direction Workgroup. These individuals had relevant experience with self-directing, and they engaged in meetings, shared their experiences, and informed study design. Members receive honoraria for informing and aiding in the co-creation of qualitative research materials and offering feedback on the implementation of study design and recruitment. Thus far, workgroup members have informed the development of the interview guide, aided in recruitment and recruitment video design, and shared their experiences at national conferences. The workgroup will aid in ensuring research findings reach diverse audiences and stakeholders in self-direction.
Missed our session at the Self-Direction Conference?
In spring 2024, I joined members of the research team, workgroup members Tim Jin and Felix Guzman, and Bevin Croft, principal investigator, to present our project at the National Self-Direction Conference in Baltimore, Maryland. Workgroup members shared their experiences as disabled people of color who are self-directing. Attendees were invited to participate in an interactive discussion exploring barriers, supports, and access to self-direction for people of color who are self-directing. About 138 responses were received through the interactive poll. When asked to reflect on barriers to access, attendees shared stigma, cultural differences, and geography as some examples. The benefits of self-direction included control, support, building independence, and the ability to hire in the culture. The self-direction study will further explore barriers and supports while centering the voices of persons of color with disabilities who self-direct.
Brokers, financial management service (FMS) professionals, self-direction advocates, HCBS providers, families, and other stakeholders must be aware of these barriers and support self-direction for persons of color with disabilities in order to adequately assess and meet their needs. Addressing disparities in access will ensure persons of color with disabilities are able to participate in self-direction.