Feature Issue on Self Direction
Resources for Getting Started
Recruiting, Selecting, and Retaining Direct Service Workers to Provide Self-Directed HCBS
This six-module training series helps individuals, families, and others develop key skills needed to hire and train support staff, from creating job descriptions and interviewing candidates to recognizing staff stress.
Self-Direction Toolkit
This plain-language set of resources offers handouts and videos that describe self-direction and provide tips on managing scheduling and spending plans, hiring and managing workers, avoiding fraud, and more.
What is Self-Direction?
This webinar from RIPIN’s Self-Directed Support Program, geared to individuals, caregivers, and advocates, explains the basics of self-direction.
Everyone Can Self-Direct: Lessons Learned from a National Self-Direction Learning Collaborative
This 2024 slide presentation discusses the Self-Direction Learning Collaborative and provides case studies from Texas and Ohio.
Self-Direction in Respite Voucher Programs: Path to Person and Family-Centered Care
This webinar offers an overview of the Lifespan Respite Care Program with examples of states that offer various models of self-directed respite voucher programs.
Worker Benefits in Self-Direction: A Survey of 25 States
This 2025 issue brief documents worker benefits in self-direction programs.
Resources for a Deeper Understanding
National Inventory of Self-Directed Long-Term Services and Supports Programs
This report from AARP Foundation provides national and state self-direction enrollment from 2011 to 2023, among other data.
2020 Evaluation of Experiences with Self Direction in New York State: A Focus on Sustainability
This 2021 report by the Institute on Community Integration at the University of Minnesota and Independent Support Services, Inc. shares findings of a 2020 survey of people in New York State’s self-direction plan.
Policy Research Brief: State IDD Agencies’ Views on Self-Directed Services
This brief from the Institute on Community Integration offers an accessible, succinct overview highlighting learnings from interviews with key state IDD staff.
Paid Family Caregiving: What Does it Look Like in Practice?
This webinar discusses the importance and validity of paying family caregivers. Panelists include paid family caregivers and people who self-direct and hire their family members.
Advancing Self-Direction in LTSS: Empowering Individuals and Mitigating the Direct Care Workforce Crisis
This webinar from the Long-Term Quality Alliance features representatives from AARP, Applied Self-Direction, and Elevance discussing what self-direction is and the role it can play in easing workforce shortages.