Feature Issue on Self Direction


Resources for Getting Started

Recruiting, Selecting, and Retaining Direct Service Workers to Provide Self-Directed HCBS

This six-module training series helps individuals, families, and others develop key skills needed to hire and train support staff, from creating job descriptions and interviewing candidates to recognizing staff stress.

Self-Direction Toolkit

This plain-language set of resources offers handouts and videos that describe self-direction and provide tips on managing scheduling and spending plans, hiring and managing workers, avoiding fraud, and more.

What is Self-Direction?

This webinar from RIPIN’s Self-Directed Support Program, geared to individuals, caregivers, and advocates, explains the basics of self-direction.

Everyone Can Self-Direct: Lessons Learned from a National Self-Direction Learning Collaborative

This 2024 slide presentation discusses the Self-Direction Learning Collaborative and provides case studies from Texas and Ohio.

Self-Direction in Respite Voucher Programs: Path to Person and Family-Centered Care

This webinar offers an overview of the Lifespan Respite Care Program with examples of states that offer various models of self-directed respite voucher programs.

Worker Benefits in Self-Direction: A Survey of 25 States

This 2025 issue brief documents worker benefits in self-direction programs.

Resources for a Deeper Understanding

National Inventory of Self-Directed Long-Term Services and Supports Programs

This report from AARP Foundation provides national and state self-direction enrollment from 2011 to 2023, among other data.

2020 Evaluation of Experiences with Self Direction in New York State: A Focus on Sustainability

This 2021 report by the Institute on Community Integration at the University of Minnesota and Independent Support Services, Inc. shares findings of a 2020 survey of people in New York State’s self-direction plan.

Policy Research Brief: State IDD Agencies’ Views on Self-Directed Services

This brief from the Institute on Community Integration offers an accessible, succinct overview highlighting learnings from interviews with key state IDD staff.

This webinar discusses the importance and validity of paying family caregivers. Panelists include paid family caregivers and people who self-direct and hire their family members.

Advancing Self-Direction in LTSS: Empowering Individuals and Mitigating the Direct Care Workforce Crisis

This webinar from the Long-Term Quality Alliance features representatives from AARP, Applied Self-Direction, and Elevance discussing what self-direction is and the role it can play in easing workforce shortages.