Getting started with telehealth for early intervention: Learning modules

Internet Connection/Bandwidth

Internet speed can be slower when you have multiple people on the same network or during busy times of day when people are at home using their internet.

Connection tips

  • Log off the call and log back in
  • Get the computer closer to the Internet router.
  • Temporarily decrease the number of people in your home using the WiFi.
  • Stop any video streaming over the Internet going on in your house.
  • Ask your provider to temporarily turn off their video function.
  • Close multiple windows or applications that are open.
  • Plug in an Ethernet cord.
  • Do a free online speed test to find out how fast your Internet is and work with your Internet provider to increase if needed (and make sure you are receiving what you are already paying for).

Google “free internet speed test” or use a speed test from your Internet provider’s website. Note the download and upload speed. The best speed varies, but many video-conferencing platforms recommend 600kbps to 1.8 MPS upload and download bandwidth for 1:1 video calls (higher for multiple people on the calls).