Maryland Positive Behavior Support Training

Confirm the Hypothesis Statement Using Direct Observation

The FBA is used to gather a lot of information from the person and other people who know the person well so that the function of the challenging behavior can be confirmed. This means that the FBA may need to be completed across different settings

Andy and his team met with staff members from Andy’s employment setting. They discovered that there weren’t many challenges at work. Andy’s job kept him busy interacting with people during the day and he really enjoys his work. Staff in the work setting said the only time there were challenges were during quiet periods when there weren’t many customers. Andy and his team summarized their findings using the visual on this page.

You can see from the visual that challenges were more likely in the afternoon, when Andy is on his own, and during unstructured time periods when people were around but not talking directly to Andy. Andy was very successful during group meetings, riding to work, and preparing dinner.

A table with three columns. #1 Patterns of Behavior #2 Most likely #3 Least likely.  The rows are titled: time periods, common routines, locations, individuals involved. The most  likely time periods are: 2:30 -3:30pm and 4:30-5:30pm. The least likely times are: 6:30-7:30 am, 3:30-4:30pm and 5:30 - end of the evening. Common Routines during the most likely times are Unstructured sitations such as transitions and unplanned times.  Least likley times are while riding th work, meeting, preparing dinner. The locations that are most likely are kitchen and living room and the least likely are traveling to work. The indviduals involved are roomates, friends and staff, and for th least likely they aren't sure. The next row of heads are: Function (of the behavior) Obrtain (what does the person obtain), in this case "Attention from others" and the third column is Escape or avoid.  Neither of these are  picked because  it has been detemined that hte function of the behavior is "Attention from others".

Adapted from Freeman, R., Matthews, K., Griggs, P., & Quick, S. (2013). Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas, Schiefelbusch Institute for Lifespan Studies.


Before moving to the next page, write down what you know so far about Andy’s behavior including:

  • Setting events
  • Antecedents
  • Challenging behavior
  • Consequences