Maryland Positive Behavior Support Training

Preparing to Link the Hypothesis to the PBS Plan

Andy’s team created the hypothesis statement that you see on this page. The team continued collecting direct observation until they were confident that they understood the function of Andy’s behavior.

Andy agreed that finding a way to invite others to talk to him would be better but he didn’t always want to wait for people because they often ignored him for a while. Andy said it is frustrating when he feels like he is being ignored but he did understand that it can also be frustrating for other people to be interrupted.

Together, Andy and his team brainstormed ideas that would solve this challenge.

This infographic has four columns. The first is Setting Events. In this column is says: Unstructured setting and a lot of time alond with no interaction. The second column is titled: Antededents or Triggers, which for Any are alone with other nearby. The third column is Behavior. The behaviors are: load verbal interruptions, throwing items and interrupt social interactions (of others). The last column is Consequences, reactions or results. In this case the result is: attention from others.

Adapted From: Freeman, R.,  Matthews, K., Griggs, P. & Quick, S. (2013). Functional behavioral assessment [Online]. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas. Available: