TIES Lessons for All: 5-15-45

Setting Team Rules and Protocols

Sometimes it can help to have a few team rules and protocols in place, so your meetings are productive and efficient.

Getting Organized: Before the meeting

  1. Set up a time you are both free (you can use sample email templates)
  2. Create an agenda or “to do” list (example below)
  3. Collect data to share (i.e., student work or formative assessments showing student progress, if appropriate) 

Set the Stage: First meeting prompts

  1. Set ground rules (put phones away, stick to the agenda, presume competence of the students and each other)
  2. Identify shared objective: co-planning, co-teaching and co-assessing
    • What do these look like for your team?
    • Who will do what in each part of these processes?
  3. Share what you know about strengths and areas of need for student with significant cognitive disabilities. What has worked for this student in the past? What should you avoid doing?

Maintain the Process: During all meetings

  • Honor the time you have set (be on time, stay focused)
  • Follow your agenda
  • Clarify to ensure understanding (“I think I heard you say….”; “my understanding is that ….”)
  • Use data (e.g., student work) to inform decisions
  • Identify next steps, deadlines, and who is responsible
  • Check-in with each other: what worked? How did you do meeting your goals? Feeling connected?

Sample 15 minute Agenda

  • First 5 Minutes - Focus on the Content: What is the most essential content?
  • Next 5 Minutes - Focus on Instruction: What instructional strategies and activities are already in this lesson?
  • Last 5 Minutes - Focus on Removing Barriers: How are we changing instruction for certain students, but making the options available for all students?

Sample 45 minute Agenda

  • First 5 - 10 Minutes - Focus on the Content: What is the most essential content? What will success look like
  • 10 - 20 Minutes - Focus on Instruction: What instructional strategies and activities are already in this lesson?
  • 20 - 30 Minutes - Focus on Removing Barriers: How are we changing instruction for certain students, but making the options available for all students?
  • Last 15 Minutes- Focus on making a change that can span across units, predictably: How are we making the resources flexible available for all students?