TIES Lessons for All: 5-15-45

Start Your Collaboration Out Right!

Starting out the year, teachers need to combine their knowledge of the course and unit plans and the knowledge about the students with disabilities to collaboratively determine how to organize a class to maximize all students’ learning.

If you have time to take on the big picture use this process to start your collaboration right.

 Pro-Tip: As you collaborate, focus on one student with significant cognitive disabilities (at a time):

Discussion guiding questions

Success indicators

Context and Content

What are the expectations and routines in the classroom?

What are the ways all learners will be active members of the classroom and school community? 

All educators are aware of the expectations and routines in the general education classroom.

All educators are aware of the importance of overall support for membership and active participation in general education classes and the school community.

What should students care about, know and be able to do by the end of the year?

All educators have a shared vision as to what their students will learn, do and care about units, standards, and objectives across the school year.

All educators have discussed common student misconceptions around this shared vision.

Ongoing Strategies and Supports for Students with Significant Cognitive Disabilities

What is important to know about the student?

  • What ways does the student best communicate?
  • Strengths?
  • Interests?
  • Present levels of performance across content areas?

All educators know:

  • the best ways for communication.
  • the strengths and interests of the student.
  • the prior academic, behavioral, and social emotional achievements and needs of the student.

What are instructional strategies we can use across the school year (e.g., what can be used in multiple lessons or units such as prompting strategies, adapted materials, picture-supported communication boards)? 

How can we leverage peer support to allow the student to teach and learn from their fellow students?

How can we use teachers and paraprofessional support to empower student interdependence?

How can we create a menu of supports that will help us to remember which supports and instructional strategies best help this student to be successful?

  • During whole group instruction?
  • During small group work?
  • During tests/quizzes?
  • During presentations?
  • During lab work?

We have identified instructional strategies we can use regularly across the school year.

We have integrated meaningful opportunities for peers to teach each other and collaborate.

We are strategically using the adults across lessons to maximize student interdependence.

We have created resources that will allow us to easily remember and implement these supports and instructional strategies across the school year.

Evaluation and Grading

What are the many ways it looks like when the student has learned?

We have ideas of the types of formative and summative assessments we may use and have integrated them into the planning across the school year.

We understand the importance of overall support for membership and active participation in general education classes and the school community.

How will we continue to evaluate the supports being provided to the student?

All educators are aware of:

  • plans for formative and summative assessment data review across the school year.
  • how assessment data will be reviewed.
  • how changes will be made to instructional programs.

We have ideas for how to evaluate to what degree the instructional and social supports are working for the student.