The Student Engagement Instrument (SEI)

Multi-Dimensional Engagement

As noted in the video, the subtypes of student engagement do not stand alone, but rather influence each other.

“The SEI is based on the model of engagement that grew out of Check & Connect® and is intended to measure cognitive and affective engagement.”

A circle divided into four equal quadrants. The left two quadrants are academic and behavioral and they are under the title of observable. The right two quadrants are cognitive and affective and are under the title of internal.

“We easily have access to data on kids' academic performance and behavior, and those things are important. It is not an either/or. The question is how could we get at what we think of as more internal or difficult to observe types of engagement? You can't look at a student and tell if they feel like they belong at school or whether they think education is relevant to their future. And if you ask them, you might be surprised at what they say.” - Dr. Amy Reschly