“Check” Data
Case Study: Attendance Data
The calendar display provides an overview of the month's data. Use the buttons below to display detailed data for each week of October.

October calendar displaying Sophia’s attendance data shows she has the most incidents on Mondays, with fewer incidents on Tuesdays and Thursdays, few on Wednesdays, and no attendance issues on Fridays.
Week of October 1, 2018
A data entry form reflects that for the week of 10/1, Sophia has no unexcused absences. She has an excused absence Monday, one tardy Tuesday, and one Tardy Thursday. She has no missed classes.
Week of October 8, 2018
A data entry form reflects that for the week of 10/8, Sophia has no unexcused absences. She has an excused absence Monday, one tardy Tuesday, and one Tardy Thursday. She has no missed classes.
Week of October 15, 2018
A data entry form reflects that for the week of 10/15, Sophia has no unexcused absences. She has an excused absence Thursday, one tardy Monday, and one tardy Tuesday. She has no missed classes.
Week of October 22, 2018
A data entry form reflects that for the week of 10/22, Sophia has one unexcused absence on Monday. She has no excused absences. She has two tardies Tuesday, and one tardy Thursday. She has one missed class on Wednesday.
Week of October 29, 2018
A data entry form reflects that for the week of 10/29, Sophia has one unexcused absence on Monday. She has no excused absences. She has one tardy Tuesday, and one tardy Tuesday. She has one missed class on Wednesday.
Self Check
The C&C mentor documents tardies, missed classes, and days absent. Consider the data on Sophia’s October attendance. What conclusions can you draw?
The data suggests that tardies and absences are common for Sophia.
While this data might reflect an improvement for some students, we do not have any of Sophia’s attendance data before October. Her attendance did not improve over the course of this one month.
By looking at the weekly data, you can see that the attendance incidents on Tuesdays and Thursdays are primarily tardies. If you were to work with Sophia on her attendance, you would do well to take these patterns into consideration.