“Check” Data

Self Check: What to include in analysis?

Which of the following should you include in your analysis to determine risk of disengagement? (Select as many as apply.)


When determining risk of disengagement, it is important to look at the student’s attendance data – significant numbers of tardies, missed classes, and absences signal risk of disengagement.


Be careful to focus on the student and family’s reporting of the causes of the problems – not other people’s opinions and observations.


When determining risk of disengagement, it is important to look at the student’s behavior data – significant numbers of behavior referrals, detentions, and suspensions signal risk of disengagement.


Using your prior knowledge and experience can be helpful, but assuming you know what the problem is can lead to misunderstanding the situation. Instead, focus on how the student and family report the causes of the problems.


When determining risk of disengagement, it is important to look at the student’s course performance data – failing classes and being behind in credits can signal risk of disengagement.