“Check” Data

Determining Risk

When you have collected data for a month, you should assess for risk of disengagement. Identifying an increased level of risk directs the focus of an intervention. 

Identifying risk areas and patterns helps you design intensive interventions in high-risk areas. Additionally, routinely assessing for risk helps you notice patterns, including patterns of improvement to celebrate with your students and their families.

Check & Connect® provides guidelines for identifying a high risk of disengagement based on the data mentors collect. Review the table below to familiarize yourself with these guidelines, then move on to the case study to practice applying them.

Indicator of Risk

High Risk


Five or more incidents per month or ≥ 15% incidents per month

Missed classes

Three or more incidents per month or ≥ 15% incidents per month

Full-day absences

Three or more incidents per month or ≥ 15% incidents per month

Behavior referrals

Three or more referrals per month


Four or more incidents per month

In-school suspension

Two or more incidents per month

Out-of-school suspension

Two or more days suspended per month

Failing classes

Two or more Ds per grading period and/or one or more Fs

Behind in credits

Earning less than 80% of the possible credits per gradign period

This table can be found in the C&C manual, Implementing with Fidelity, on pp. 30 & 43.