Getting started with telehealth for early intervention: Learning modules

Observational assessment during telehealth start-up

In some assessments, your provider wants to observe how your child responds to different situations. Sometimes these are unstructured (e.g., such as during Free Play) and sometimes these are structured, in which there is a sequence or arrangement of situations to set up.

Room for your child to move around.

An area for toys and materials to be used during intervention (such as a set of plastic drawers, a row of a bookshelf, a storage bin).

During some assessments, your provider might ask to keep toys and related materials temporarily out of reach, so that your child can focus on the tasks of the assessments.

During assessment, your provider might ask you not to prompt your child to do a certain skill, because they want to see how often your child does the skill on their own. If they ask you to refrain from prompting your child, know that it is just temporary (during the assessment).