The Mentor Practice Profile (MPP)

Check: Systematic monitoring

Systematic monitoring

Check Puzzle Piece

Core Components and Essential Elements

Contribution to Outcome

Proficient (P)

Developmental (D)

Needs Improvement (N)

CHECK: Systematic monitoring

The mentor monitors the student’s school attendance, behavior, and educational progress weekly.

Increase academic and behavioral engagement

The mentor systematically checks students’ attendance, behavior, and educational progress at least weekly.

Weekly check data are recorded on a progress monitoring form by the end of each week.

The mentor checks students’ attendance, behavior, and educational progress 2-3 times each month. 

Weekly check data are recorded one or more weeks late. 

The mentor inconsistently checks students’ data, only checking data 1 time per month OR not checking data at all in one or more areas* (attendance, behavior, educational progress) each month.

Data are not recorded by the end of the month.

*as applicable to site requirements


For example: 

  • You check each of your students’ attendance, behavior, and course performance data weekly.
  • You record students’ data promptly and use it to guide your interventions.

For example:

  • Some weeks you do not get around to checking in on your students’ data. 
  • You record data late or inconsistently.

For example:

  • You check students’ data inconsistently, only checking data 1 time per month OR you do not check data at all in one or more areas (attendance, behavior, course performance) each month.
  • You do not record data by the end of the month.

Reflective Questions

What are your strengths in systematic monitoring?

Where do you have room for growth?

What support do you need in order to improve in this area?