The Mentor Practice Profile (MPP)

Connect: Promoting participation and affiliation with school

Promoting participation and affiliation with school

Connect puzzle piece

Core Components and Essential Elements

Contribution to Outcome

Proficient (P)

Developmental (D)

Needs Improvement (N)

CONNECT: Promoting participation and affiliation with school 

The mentor facilitates the student’s access to and active participation in school-related activities and events and promotes the student’s identity as a learner.

Increase affective engagement

The mentor gains knowledge of the student’s interests, strengths, needs, and educational progress by asking questions and seeking student input.

The mentor suggests activities within the school and community for the student that are feasible and relevant to the student’s interests.

The mentor facilitates student access to and active participation in school-related activities and events and promotes the student’s identity as a learner.

The mentor provides general activities available for the student within the school and community without considering the student’s specific interests and limited resources.

The mentor identifies barriers to the student’s participation but does not work across school and family systems to address these barriers. 

The mentor does not provide activities to develop student’s active participation in the school and community settings.

The mentor does not identify barriers that may be discouraging the student’s participation (e.g., course schedule, transportation, out-of-school time responsibilities, etc.).


For example:

  • You learn from the student about their interests, strengths, needs, and educational progress. You suggest activities for the student within the school and community that the student will be interested in and able to participate in. 
  • You enable student access to and active participation in school-related activities and events and promote the student’s identity as a learner. 

For example:

  • You suggest general activities for the student within the school and community without taking into account the student’s specific interests and resources. 
  • You identify barriers to participation in school-related activities, but do not involve school and family supports to address these barriers.

For example:

  • You do not discuss school- or community-related activities or events with your student.

Reflective Questions

What are your strengths in promoting participation and affiliation with school?

Where do you have room for growth?

What support do you need in order to improve in this area?