The Mentor Practice Profile (MPP)

How is the MPP organized?

The MPP is organized by Check & Connect core components: Mentor, Check, Connect, and Family Engagement. Each component is broken down into its essential elements. 

Puzzle made up of Mentor, Check, Connect, and Family Engagement surrounding Fidelity of Implementation

Essential Elements

  • Builds relationships based on mutual trust
  • Long-term commitment
  • Persistence-plus
  • Systematic monitoring
  • Focus on alterable variables
  • Problem solving
  • Capacity building
  • Personalized data-based interventions
  • Promoting participation and affiliation with school
  • Connect, partner, and engage with parents/families

Core Components and Essential Elements

Contribution to Outcome

Proficient (P)

Developmental (D)

Needs Improvement (N)

Explanation of the table headers.

Competency is displayed in skill and practice. Continued coaching to support practice is recommended. 

Skill is emerging but not yet ideal proficiency. Coaching is recommended.

Follow-up professional development and coaching is necessary.

The MPP is adapted from the National Implementation Research Network’s (NIRN) Practice Profile Template.