RISP Infographics

Key policy milestones

Infographic of a vertical timeline showing key policy milestones for people with IDD. Each item is represented by a symbol.

In 1963, the first version of the Developmental Disabilities Act was passed. The DD Act funds University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Developmental Disabilities Councils, and Protection and Advocacy organizations in each state; and authorizes Projects of National Significance.

In 1971, Medicaid began providing federal funds to improve institutions for people with IDD. Next is an image of an apple and a pencil.

In 1975, PL 94-142, now the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, was passed. IDEA requires schools to educate all children with disabilities in the least restrictive setting.

In 1981, Medicaid introduced the Home and Community-Based Services waiver. The HCBS waiver allows states to use federal Medicaid dollars to support people with disabilities living with a family member or in another community setting.

In 1986, the Rehabilitation Act was passed. The Rehabilitation Act defines supported employment as a Vocational Rehabilitation service and funds supported employment grants.

In 1990, the Americans with Disabilities Act was passed, prohibiting discrimination based on disability.

In 1999, the Supreme Court issued the Olmstead Decision, establishing the right for people with IDD to live in the most integrated setting instead of an institution.

In 2010, the Affordable Care Act was passed. The ACA allows states to fund home and community-based services through their Medicaid State Plan, expands federal funding for health insurance, and prohibits discrimination based on disability in federally funded health care.

In 2014, the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act was passed. WIOA defines competitive integrated employment, mandates pre-employment transition services for students with a disability, and limits access to subminimum wage jobs.

In 2014, the Home and Community-Based Services Rule was issued. The Rule says Medicaid HCBS funding is for services provided in integrated community settings, requires person-centered planning and conflict-free case management.

In 2020 the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency was declared. This led to increased federal investments and more flexibility, allowing families to be paid caregivers, and shifting facility based services to individualized settings.

In 2024 the Medicaid Access Rule was implemented, requiring 80% of HCBS payments to go to workers, and changing the way states report for greater transparency.

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For more information about RISP, contact: risp@umn.edu

Cite as: Residential Information Systems Project (year). [Page Name]. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, RISP, Research and Training Center on Community Living, Institute on Community Integration. Retrieved from: https://risp.umn.edu.)