Readiness Tool: A Guide for Exploring Check & Connect® at Your Site

Capacity: Case Scenario #2

Review the case scenario where a site is considering if they have the CAPACITY to implement Check & Connect®.

The leadership team at a suburban high school is concerned with the number of juniors and seniors with credit deficits, with nearly half of these students, or around 400 students, not on track to graduate. The team also identified students who were only at school 75% - 80% of the time. The team then revised the master schedule so that 10 teachers no longer supervised a daily advisory class, as well the credit recovery teacher received extra prep time to mentor students. Each of the 10 teachers will have a caseload of five C&C students, with the credit recovery teacher having 8-10 students. Each administrator will mentor 1 C&C student, with a total staff capacity to serve 67 students.

RATING: 4 - Evidence

While this site may not be able to serve all students with a demonstrated need for a tier II/III intervention, the caseloads will allow staff the time to implement C&C with fidelity.