Readiness Tool: A Guide for Exploring Check & Connect® at Your Site

Need: Rating

Review the ratings below to determine if Check & Connect®® fits your site’s needs.

The implementing site has demonstrated a comprehensive understanding of how the program or practice meets the needs of the focus population. The implementing site has included three or more data sources when conducting the needs assessment including administrative data and perspectives of staff; community partners and children; and youth and families; has disaggregated data to identify the needs of specific and relevant subpopulations.

The implementing site has demonstrated an understanding of how the program or practice meets the needs of the focus population. The implementing site has included two or more data sources when conducting the needs assessment including administrative data and perspectives of staff; community partners and children; and youth and families; has disaggregated data to identify the needs of specific and relevant subpopulations.

The implementing site has demonstrated some understanding of how the program or practice meets the needs of the focus population. The implementing site has included two or more data sources when conducting the needs assessment including administrative data and perspectives of staff, community partners and children, youth and families; but has not disaggregated these data.

The implementing site has demonstrated minimal understanding of how the program or practice meets the needs of the focus population. The implementing site has included only administrative data when conducting the needs assessment, and has not disaggregated these data.

The implementing site has not demonstrated an understanding of how the program or practice meets the needs of the focus population.