Readiness Tool: A Guide for Exploring Check & Connect® at Your Site
Fit: Case Scenario #2
Review the case scenario where a site is considering implementing Check & Connect® and wondering if it is the right FIT.
A high school is considering implementing Check & Connect® to address chronic absenteeism and poor course performance (completing homework, grades, participation in class) in 9th-grade students. The high school currently participates in a popular, state-wide mentoring program, which was created by a beloved leader. Mentors, who are community members and volunteer their time, meet with students once a month. The mentors primarily focus on building relationships with students through social activities, such as having lunch with the student, taking them to a local game, etc. The staff thinks the need is there for more intensive education-focused intervention, but they are concerned that there will be confusion between the two mentor-based programs. Some staff has even said, “Why do we need another mentoring program? The one we have works just fine.”
RATING: 5 - Strong Fit
As with the previous example, Check & Connect® should not replace an existing successful program but rather add additional support for students showing a data-driven need. Social-based mentorship programs are important; however, C&C can add a structured, data-based system to address barriers to engagement specifically for students who are showing signs of disengagement. Many sites use a name other than "Mentor" to distinguish C&C from other mentoring programs. Some suggestions include Student Engagement Coach and Student Success Coach.