Readiness Tool: A Guide for Exploring Check & Connect® at Your Site
Need: Case Scenario #2
Review the case scenario where a site is considering if Check & Connect® will meet their NEEDS:
A middle school has been found to disproportionately identify African American males for their behaviors and has subsequently shown an increase in office referrals and special education. School data shows that these students are three times more likely to be suspended than their peers. The MTSS team believes that they have a strong Tier I system but do not have a dedicated Tier II intervention to support students with behavior concerns. Leadership is interested in C&C as they have read that the program supports not only the student but also the systems and relationships around the student that can help to support and make systemic change.
RATING: 5 - Strongly Meets Need
Check & Connect® mentors work with students to help change their behaviors while working with the home, school, and community to support the change students are trying to make. With solid administration support, C&C can help put strategies in place with and for students, reducing disproportionality.