Readiness Tool: A Guide for Exploring Check & Connect® at Your Site

Usability: Rating

After reviewing the video and resources, leadership teams should rate the usability of Check & Connect®’s principles, core components, and assessments.

The program or practice has operationalized principles and core components that are measurable and observable and has a validated fidelity assessment; modifiable components are identified to support contextualization for new settings or populations.

The program or practice has operationalized principles and core components that are measurable and observable and has tools and resources to monitor fidelity, but does not have a validated fidelity measure; modifiable components are identified to support contextualization for new settings or focus populations.

The program or practice has operationalized principles and core components that are measurable and observable but does not have a fidelity assessment; modifiable components are not identified.

The program or practice has identified principles and core components; however, the principles and core components are not defined in measurable or observable terms; modifiable components are not identified.

The program or practice does not identify principles or core components.