Readiness Tool: A Guide for Exploring Check & Connect® at Your Site

Evidence: Rating

After reviewing the video and resources, leadership teams should rate Check & Connect®’s evidence of program effectiveness and effects.

The program or practice has documented evidence of effectiveness based on at least two rigorous, external research studies with the focus population and control groups, and has demonstrated sustained effects at least one-year post-treatment.

The program or practice has demonstrated effectiveness with one rigorous, external research study with the focus population and a control group.

The program or practice shows some evidence of effectiveness through less rigorous research studies with the focus population and comparison groups.

The program or practice is guided by a well-developed theory of change or logic model for the focus population and has demonstrated a relationship between the program or practice and outcomes based on an evaluation or practice-based evidence.

The program or practice does not have a well-developed theory of change or logic model and has not demonstrated a relationship between the program or practice and outcomes based on an evaluation or practice-based evidence.